Chapter Fifty-One - Adam Vaziri

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Present day

An hour from Wickery Bridge, VA

While Lorraine was right that Raid would regain consciousness after twenty minutes, that consciousness didn't last for long, and he was in and out of his heavily sedated state for a further hour. The heat of the car and its lack of air conditioning likely contributed to that. Considering how old Phoenix's car was, Adam was surprised Lorraine had ordered him to take it over Zara's much newer model, but it did mean he was able to leave Zara's keys down in the basement next to her phone. It was a small gesture, but also the final thing he was able to do for her before leaving. Adam had then strapped Raid into the passenger side of Phoenix's car---his ankles tied to a bracket beneath the seat, his hands cuffed behind his back---and started to drive to the intended destination.

Wickery Bridge.

For the past hour, Adam had to listen to the vibration of Raid's phone going off, over and over again. Occasionally, his own phone rang and it was getting harder and harder to ignore.

Adam was plagued by another call just as he overtook a car with a sharpness that slammed Raid's temple against the passenger seat window, waking him up with a sudden clarity that Adam really didn't need right now. Unlike Lorraine, he couldn't compel himself out of being pulled over for speeding, so he'd been commanded to stick to the maximum speed limit. That was proving to be difficult when other cars kept getting in his damn way.

"Adam?" Raid extended in his seat, shooting his head around in all directions, trying to get his bearings. "What's happened? Where are we?"

"Route 29," he replied, eyes remaining on the road. "Heading to Wickery Bridge."

With a firm tug, Raid quickly discovered that he couldn't move his hands or legs. "Where's Stef?"

"Lorraine's taking her to Cristian in Mystic Falls." Not getting a response like he expected, Adam then turned his head, noticing the forward focus, the inward determination on Raid's face. Adam sighed. "Don't bother trying to use your magic. Those cuffs nullify it. Lorraine told me they were created by Stef months ago. One of a kind apparently."

Adam's phone continued to ring.

"Answer it," Raid demanded.

Adam shook his head lightly. What good could come from others getting involved? All he would end up hearing is a bunch of shit about how stupid he was for getting himself compelled.

"ANSWER IT!" Raid shouted.

Adam gritted his teeth, dug into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He prepared himself for the insults he was about to receive. It would be nothing he didn't think of himself already. He answered and put the phone to his ear. "What?" he snapped.

"Tell me you're all safe," Gabe demanded.

"Not for long, Gabe, I'm sorry," Adam replied sharply.

Raid leaned as close as he could to the phone, shouting loudly so Gabe could hear. "Cristian has Stef! Adam's compelled! He's on Route 29, driving towards Wickery Bridge!" He spurted out as much information as he could, as quickly as possible, in case Adam ended the call.

Adam didn't end the call. He listened to Gabe pull the phone away from his ear, shouting expletives and relaying the information to others nearby. There was nothing he could do to stop this. Nothing anyone could do. There was only one thing Adam needed to say. "Please tell Zara to forgive me."

Gabe issued a command in the background and then returned to his call with Adam. "Phoenix is going to try her cell again. What happened? Where's Zara?"

Adam felt a pain hit him between his eyes at the memory. "I was told to take her out. I snapped her neck. She's still at the house. I tried to fight it, Gabe. I set her free so she could fight back, but she didn't. I never wanted to hurt her."

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