Chapter Thirty-Seven - Raid Vaziri

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Present day

Border of NC and VA

The Halfway House was a colonial tavern hidden within a wooded area. Or maybe a more accurate word would be 'forgotten', since it was a very old, very derelict, very unliveable tavern. Single-fronted, two-storey, tiles falling off the roof, seventeen observable broken or glassless sash windows, now home to moss, foliage and woodland creatures. That kind of tavern. The type that would not be associated with being a meeting place between supernatural councils, particularly not in the evening when it appeared extra creepy.

Raid looked around at the vintage suits Gabe had forced all the guys to wear. Not to be too critical since navy was his color and the suit had made Stef momentarily speechless the moment she saw him in it, but they seriously all got dressed up for this? All except Stef, that is. She wore a sleeveless, empire-waist tank top and jeans, and surprisingly Gabe hadn't even protested against it. Maybe she knew something he didn't because they had to be at the wrong address.

"Now, I know what you're thinking," Phoenix started, stepping closer to Raid.

"That you're going to harvest our organs?" Raid replied.

Adam glanced provokingly towards Zara, who was out of her usual pant suits, now looking stunning in an embellished, belted abaya, and likely suspected what that was doing to him. "I've got an organ Zara can have."

Zara swivelled in his direction, snapping, "How old are you? Seriously?"

Adam grinned, proud at how he hit the target every time. "I meant my heart, habibti, what did you think I meant?"

For a second, Zara actually faltered. He knew exactly where her mind had went. She thrusted her finger under his nose. "Don't 'habibti' me unless you want another shard of glass to your throat."

"I wouldn't want that," Adam agreed playfully. "You looked so scared for me the last time that happened. I couldn't put you through that again."

"I was scared of Stef losing her humanity," Zara argued, bringing her hand down, both now clenching at her sides. Then she suddenly realized something brought on by his words. When he thought he was about to die, he'd immediately looked at her---and not once looked away, not even when he'd been appealing to Raid for his life. He wanted her to be the last thing he saw. She relaxed, conceding a little. "But perhaps I was also scared of... your friends losing you."

Adam smiled. He knew what she was trying to say. He wasn't going to press for more. Not yet. He turned to Phoenix, joining his exchange with Raid. "So I'm guessing there's more to this house than meets the eye?"

"A lot more," Phoenix eagerly divulged. "When the councils were formed, hundreds of witches put a time-altering spell on the Halfway House to protect it. Houses in other regions chose different time periods---most remaining in the 20th Century---but, at Zakariah's request, Gideon chose a little earlier. 1864 to be exact."

"Why that period?" Raid asked.

Phoenix's eyes lit up, his hands together as though in prayer. "Please, oh, please ask Zakariah that question!"

"Please don't," Stef urged dryly.

Barely able to contain himself, Phoenix offered a small clue. "Zakariah knew her father back then. You have to ask him about it."

"Please don't," Stef repeated, the same dry, monotonous tone. She knew it was going to happen. If Raid didn't ask, then Phoenix would, even though he'd already heard the story before. This evening was about to get very embarrassing. "Anyway, change of subject! Everyone wait here. Gabe's going in with me to get permission for everyone to enter, including myself since Gideon's not going to be happy that I'm flouting the dress code."

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