Chapter Forty - Raid Vaziri

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Present day

Border of NC and VA

"Is this some kind of a game to you, Zakariah?" Gideon scolded, ignoring Cristian as he walked past him, heading towards the new arrivals, quietly greeting some of them with a nod and a handshake.

"Not a game," Zakariah replied. "I'm just proving a point."

Raid maintained his position in front of Stef. He wasn't as powerful as she was with magic, but the protection spell now meant he was the least vulnerable one. His only worry was whether or not she would remember that fact if the witches launched an attack on them. He could already hear the soft hum of her magic preparing itself at her fingertips. Half a dozen rows of tables and chairs formed a physical barrier between them that the witches didn't cross. They didn't need to cross it. From the flooring to the furniture, there was enough damn wood in the tavern for their magic to break anything off into a potential stake. For supernatural beings that were vulnerable to this type of material, vampires sure didn't pass up any opportunity to use it as décor.

Gabe's hand tightened in Winifred's, pulling her back as she was the first to snap at Dimitri. "If you refused the truce, return the talisman now!"

Dimitri was too distracted by Gabe's hand placements to respond to her demands. His hand in hers. The other now around her waist, keeping her close. Dimitri's eyes went sharply and widely to Winifred's and he observed scornfully, "You left me... to fuck a vampire?"

At those words, Ava pushed herself to the front of the other coven members, standing beside her step-father, her eyes filled with hurt as she glared at her mother. No attempt was made by Winifred to shield her daughter from the truth as she remained in Gabe's arms, but neither did she have the heart to confirm it. Dimitri attempted to put an arm around his step-daughter---a gesture he hoped Ava would accept in allegiance to him---but as tears filled her eyes, she stormed back into the meeting room, slamming the door behind her.

Winifred pressed her forehead into Gabe's shoulder. She wouldn't cry---she had done the right thing in leaving Dimitri---but there was still an ache in her chest at the way Ava had found out.

Dimitri slapped his palms together, hands cupping each other. "Well, that went as well as expected, but don't worry, Gabriel, I won't deny Winifred her fun while she decides whether her daughter is more important to her than you are---spoiler alert: she is---and I'm guessing at the speed vampires move, your fucks barely register anyway."

"You want to find out if my fist barely registers at high speed?" Gabe growled as Winifred now became the one tightening her hold to prevent him carrying out the threat.

"Tell us why you refused the truce!" Stef snapped at the Coven, side stepping to get their attention, only for Raid to hold out his arm to stop her before resuming his place in front of her.

Cristian chuckled, wagging his finger at them. "Now this is another interesting couple." He moved closer, weaving between the tables and chairs. His eyes glanced at Raid's hands, watching them ball into fists, ready to fight, but not a flicker of magic coming from them. Cristian held up both palms in peace but continued his pace until he finally stopped in front of Raid, lowering his hands to his sides. "There's just something about vampires, isn't there, Raid? Or maybe there's just something about Stef? Tell me, how's that prophecy working out for you? Because if she's falling for you, it's not real. You know that, right?"

Raid felt Stef tense behind him, the hum of her magic growing. He reached back, taking one of her hands in his. "Don't let him get to you," he told her, not taking his eyes off Cristian. "If you strike first, a truce between vampires and witches is over before it's even begun. That's what he wants."

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