Chapter Fifty-Five - Adam Vaziri

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Present day (a few minutes ago)

Mystic Falls, VA

"You hung up on me!"

"Habibti, I did not hang up on you," Adam insisted. Was the drive to Saint Joe's really taking this long? Or did it just seem like it was? He sat in the back seat, swapping Gabe's phone over to his other ear. It was going to take both sides of his brain to cope with this conversation. "My phone literally drowned, and me almost along with it."

"I was so fucking worried. I couldn't stop crying. I was terrified you were dead," Zara declared, her voice still hoarse from sobbing. She'd never been so scared of losing anyone. She couldn't stomach that new feeling, and it irritated her. "I am going to kill you!"

Adam had never heard anything so incredibly caring and hostile at the same time. "Can it wait until after the wedding?" he asked cheekily. "I am really looking forward to devouring that pussy." The resulting silence spoke volumes. He expected her to be shocked by his words but, for his own safety, maybe he should have checked how close her car was behind them first. Waiting on thin ice for a response, he then grinned when he heard snippets of stuttering at the other end of the line.

"Seriously, dude?" Phoenix groaned from beside him. "Can't you save this kind of talk for when you're alone?"

"Shut up," Adam smirked. "This is the first time I've heard Zara speechless. It's going to go down in history."

"You... I'm..." Zara stammered, heat rising within her, her comebacks lost. Finally she gave in with a frustrated sigh. "It can wait until after the wedding."

"I thought so," he responded smugly. He was looking forward to it. "We're pulling up now. Be careful when you get here."

"You be careful," she retorted. "I'm not the one who's been compelled and half drowned in the last twenty-four hours."

"No, you just had your neck snapped and was thrown in a freezer." SHIT shit shit! He immediately squeezed his eyes shut and pinched the bridge of his nose hard, hoping to send pain signals to his mouth and activation signals to his brain. Because his mouth had said that. Not his brain---his mouth. Why did he have to remind her of what he did? Did he have a death wish or something?

Zara's voice lowered to decibels that suggested she was either turning into a demon or a dragon. She seethed, "You..."

"See you soon! Love you, babe!" Adam spluttered hastily. He ended the call and handed the phone back to Gabe before exiting the car.

As Phoenix shuffled across the seats towards the car door, he turned his head back to Flick, who was starting to follow. "Stay here," he ordered.

"Everyone else is going," she complained. "Why do I have to stay?"

He scrambled for an excuse that had nothing to do with her age as a human, her age as a vampire, or the fact that she was the first girl he liked in a long time that actually liked him back. "You're... our lookout. Sound the horn if there's any trouble."

"That's such bull---" Flick was cut off by Phoenix leaning over and planting a quick kiss on her lips. It was unexpected and the move left her dumbstruck, her eyes wide with surprise, a coy smile spreading over her mouth.

Phoenix smiled back. Adam was right: rendering women speechless was kind of fun. He didn't know he had it in him. "Stay in the car, Flick." And this time, as he left, he didn't hear a peep of protest.

Raid was already charging towards the bar when Gabe sped forward and grabbed him by the arm. Raid was at boiling point and, if it weren't for Gabe's strength, he would have broken free and ploughed through the building like a runaway bulldozer. Neither of them said anything; just stood beside each other, steps away from rescuing Stef, an expression of pained impulsivity clashing with a desperate plea to not fly off the handle. They had a plan to stick to, even if Raid didn't like it.

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