Chapter Two - Dimitri Balescu

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One year ago

Dimitri: I need you to find a vampire.

Vampette: My speciality. Which one?

Dimitri: I don't know. I need you to find out the name.

Vampette: Complicates things.

Dimitri: It's in your interest to find out.

Vampette: Explain.

Dimitri: If you find out the name, we'll no longer need to protect Stefanie Salvatore.

Vampette: I'm listening.

Dimitri: Two of Stefanie's friends left Mystic Falls after her transition. Raid and Adam Vaziri. They're now starring in a ridiculous teen drama series in Canada. They did an interview recently. Everything they said about their life prior to the move was a complete fabrication. I suspect they've been compelled.

Vampette: You think the same vampire who compelled them is the same one who turned Stefanie?

Dimitri: They were there during the accident. It's the closest lead I've got.

Vampette: I'll check it out. But if it turns out I've wasted my time, then stop following teen drama shows, Dimi.

Dimitri: Fuck you, it was Winifred who found this out.

Vampette: Sure, Dimi.


One week ago

Vampette: Raid and Adam are on a flight to Atlanta.

Dimitri: Why aren't you following them?

Vampette: Complications.

Dimitri: What's that supposed to mean?

Vampette: I found out some important information.

Dimitri: What information?

Dimitri: Damn it! WHAT information?

Vampette: Cristian lied. Go ahead and kill Stef.

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