Chapter Seven - Stefanie Salvatore

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Present day

Atlanta, GA

A few nearby coffee shop patrons noticed the gun in the stranger's hand and Stef expected stampedes and screaming to ensue. But, no, they calmly stood up, shuffled slowly and quietly from their tables, and left, even taking their coffees with them. While she admired their ability not to panic, leaving the remaining innocents to a potential mass shooting left a sour taste in her mouth. So she gradually made her way to each of the other customers, quietly compelling them to leave while she listened out for the gunman's demands.

The stranger trembled, the gun held close to his waist, shaking in his hands. His eyes were red raw with tears that the compulsion from the unknown source wouldn't allow him to shed. "I've seen your photos," he said to Raid and Adam. "You know Stefanie Salvatore?"

Stef perked up at her name, spinning around towards the stranger. Oh, this was about her? This just got interesting.

"I don't know who that is," Raid said, his eyes not leaving the gun.

"Oh, that would be me," Stef confirmed casually, strutting closer and raising her hand.

The stranger spun around, pointing the gun at her with outstretched arms. Now this did evoke stampedes and screaming: stampedes from those closest to the exit; screams from those too far away from the exit to reach it. Many of those hid under their tables, or took to the floor, which must have given him his idea for his next command. "Get on the floor now!" he shouted at Stef.

She looked down at the floor, unimpressed. "No, I'm sober and that would take at least ten drinks."

The man shook the gun at her, trying to intimidate her. Well, that wasn't going to work. Was he not aware that it wouldn't harm her? Were the bullets wooden? No matter if they were, she could soon use magic to draw them out.

"Who the hell do you think you are, bitch?" he screamed.

Annoyance rising, Stef felt the transition forming across her face. "Didn't they tell you?" The whites of her eyes reddened. "I'm a vampire, asshole."

Unexpectedly, the stranger chose not to attack her, and instead swung his gun towards Raid and Adam, firing twice.

Stef was in front of Adam before the bullet reached him, hitting her in the collarbone; she spun and took the second bullet in the shoulder blade for Raid. Her chest against Raid's, her face transitioning back to human, she informed him, "That almost hurt as much as you not remembering my name." Then, in a flash, she picked up a chair, swung it in the opposite direction, and knocked the gunman out.

Setting the chair back down, Stef hovered a hand over her collarbone and extracted the bullets using her magic. One wooden bullet slipped out easily, while the other tore through her from back to front, leaving an additional hole and further bloodstains on her clothes. She winced in pain and dropped the bullets down onto the unconscious man. "A vampire compelling humans to hunt a vampire," she mused to herself. "Why send a mouse to do a lion's work?"

Raid took a step towards her. "Who are you?"

Stef raised her eyebrows at him. "Oh, finally interested, are you? I thought it was 'in the past'?"

"Clearly not," he replied dryly, gesturing at the prone gunman.

"A simple 'thank you' would suffice," she stated.

Slow movements throughout the coffee shop diverted their attention. The other customers were shuffling to their feet, many coming to a halt when they noticed they had gained Stef's attention. "Nothing to worry about," she declared to them. "Recognise these guys?" She swept her arm toward Raid and Adam, then switched to compelling the witnesses. "We were just filming a scene for Doo-Doo Academy---"

"Dark Dead Academy," Adam grumbled, correcting her.

"---Whatever, anyway, scene over, thank you for participating, round of applause, perhaps?"

There were a few scattered, lacklustre claps as the customers returned warily to their seats.

Stef turned back to Raid and Adam. "Tough crowd," she muttered. Stef's phone rang and she took the call. It was Zara. She listened to the sudden barrage of information she gave her. "That's inconvenient. Okay, tell Phoenix to pull up out front." Stef hung up the call. "So, you have a couple of choices," she informed the two men, "come with me, or stay here and plan your own funerals."

"What's that supposed to mean?" Adam asked cautiously.

"That lion who sent the mouse? They kind of made some more lions, and they're coming your way."

"I don't understand," Raid snapped. "What's going on?"

"Allow me to enlighten you." Stef grabbed Raid by the hand, willing the magic from his compulsion to flow back into her, lifting from him entirely. As the magic returned, she felt her powers intensify, and an expression of realisation gradually returned to Raid's face. He was remembering.

Raid yanked his arm away from her as soon as her grip loosened. "Stef?" he gasped in relief. This was quickly followed up with the much more angry exclamation, "STEF?!"

The expression on Raid's face told Stef he wanted to both hug her and throttle her at the same time. It was the same expression she often displayed towards Phoenix.

Adam, still in complete darkness, yelled, "What the HELL is going on?"

"Sorry, I can't lift your compulsion, Adam," she told him, "but Zara can."

"You compelled us!" Raid exploded.

"To keep you safe!" Stef spun her head towards the door, which she instantly slammed shut with her magic. "See, not safe!" she demonstrated, as five newly-turned vampires gathered on the mall's walkway outside. "Get ready to run."

"What do you mean 'run'?" Adam sputtered.

Stef's powers swung the door open, then she thrust her hand outwards sending a surge of pressure blasting towards the outsiders, propelling them backwards. The vampires smacked against the glass and steel railing, scrambling for balance, before a second burst from Stef struck them, and had them hurling over the edge. Three slams could be heard from one floor down, as they hit the concourse below.

"I mean, RUN!" Stef yelled, pushing Raid and Adam outside. She screamed directions at them as they headed towards the stairs, dodging perplexed and terrified shoppers, while the two remaining vampires, who had grasped onto the railing as they fell, pulled themselves up and were on pursuit. "Keep going!" she commanded, breaking the neck of one of the vampires as it outdid their pace and hurtled towards Adam. She kept between Adam and Raid, unsure if the next attack was going to come from in front or behind. There was no sign of the vampires beyond the railings and she could only hope the falls had also snapped their necks into unconsciousness.

Bounding down the stairs, Stef looked back at the final vampire who had halted at the top of the staircase, the chase seemingly over. Instead, the young dark-haired man remained static, grinning widely at her. There was a feeling in her gut telling her something was wrong, but she had no choice but to continue their escape.

As they flew down the final steps, Stef nearly crashed into Raid and Adam who had come to a sudden stop. She darted in front of them protectively. Now she knew what was wrong: they had been herded.

They were surrounded by witches.

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