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"Oh c'mon Rae, it'll be fun, I promise" My best friend, Dakota bagged me for the forth time today to teach her how to drive and every time she gets the same answer.

"No Dako, especially not my car, why don't you ask Dylan? He knows how to drive" I said while making my way toward our dorm. Our dorm is the biggest in this area, it's the second and last one who has its own bathroom and a mini kitchen. When we first moved in, the dorm had two bunk beds but now it looks really dope.

"Well I thought you might let me drive your car" She said looking down and I scoffed unlocking the door.

"Yeah, no way in hell that's happening" I stopped to drop my bag"-anytime soon" I finished my sentence and she groaned throwing herself in her bed.

"Oh, come on, your car is so fucking dope and sexy n' shit and Dylan's looks like something my grandpa would drive" I grinned and made my way toward the mini-fridge next to my desk.

"You wanted him, not me" I shrugged and grabbed a Monster from inside and open it.

"Yeah, I wanted him because his dick is like fourty inches" She cried and I grinned looking down at my acrylics.

"Oh well" I shrugged and went inside our bathroom to change in something more comfortable. I ended up changing in some sweats and a tee, and also took off my make up which was only mascara and some lipgloss since I am not a big fan of the make up.

I got out of the bathroom and went toward the kitchen to make myself a burrito when I heard my phone ring and groaned going to get it. I looked at the ID of the caller and smiled.

"Hola mama" I said and she grinnedm

"Hola mija, how was school?" My mom asked and I shrugged going back in the kitchen.

"Alright I guess, how are you?" I asked after placing my phone on the counter as I started taking out the ingredients for the burrito.

"Eh, you know, working, working, keeping the business afloat" She nodded and I smiled. My mom has always been my number one supporter and the most hard-working woman ever. She took care of five kids - including myself - on her own since my dad left us when I was only two.

"That's amazing, ma, did Jack call you today?" I asked about my brother because we are the only one who still call her and making sure she's still well and happy.

"Yeah, just five minutes before I called you. He just got a promotion and Maya is officially in her third trimester" My mom said and I chuckled at how cute she is when she speaks since she got that spanish accent"Do you have any races today, mijita?"

"Yeah, I got one later today" I nodded as I flipped the tortila on the other side.

"Oh, well that's such a blessing. May the God help you" I smiled at her and we talked a little more as I showed her how I made my burrito but of course I got yelled at since she says 'it's not the traditional way' so I had to make it the way she says it's correct.

"Well, enjoy your food, baby and I'll talk to you later" I smiled as I took a bite from it and Dakota appeared behind me and her eyes widened.

"Hi mama!" She waved at my mom and she waved back. Dako calls her 'mama' too because she never really had a mother figure in her life so since mom loves her, they act like a mother-daughter duo and it gets on my nerves sometimes"How are yo-"

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