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TW: Sexual abuse, rape, violence, homophobic slurs

"Okay, yeah, that's it" Billie spoke softly as she helped her boyfriend clean himself up"Why did you have to hit her?" She asked sighing as she held the ice pack on his face.

"Because she just said she's in love with you!" He scoffed annoyed with his girlfriend.

"And that's not a bad thing, she won't bother you, I promise" The brunette spoke as she sighed seeing his bruised face. She doesn't feel bad for him, in fact she's happy that Raelynn finally did something. Speaking of Raelynn, Billie couldn't be more happy that the girl feels the same way about her"Hey um...can we talk?"

"Whatever you better be quick with it because these cuts won't clean themselves" You can clean them yourself, asshole, Billie thought and sighed sitting in front of him.

"I um...I think we should break up" Billie spoke gently so she won't anger him anymore"We can still be friends but I don't think there's a-" A painful slap stopped her causing Billie to gasp and her eyes to water.

"So you love her back, huh? Dyke!" He shouted and Billie shook her head.

"No, no, no, no, I just don't love you that way anymore" She spoke trying to hold back her tears.

"You wanna cry? I'll give you something to cry about" He hit her again and this time didn't stop"Fucking whore!" He punched her in the face causing Billie to scream in pain, more tears rolling down her cheeks, mixing with the blood"You're going to burn in hell" He said and grabbed her by the clothes throwing her in the bed.

"No, stop, please, let me explain, please" Billie begged and he scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Explain what? How you fucked that whore behind my back?" Billie's body filled with anger and she slapped him hard.

"Don't you dare make her a whore!" She instantly regretted it once he grabbed her neck, pinned her down on the bed, chocking her harshly. He took off her pants and panties then his as Billie tried to breath"Stop" She coughed, breathing getting harder and harder to control"No" She spoke again, her face started to become red from the lack of air but he took his hand away so he could pull down his boxer causing Billie to gasp for air. She didn't get the chance to calm down because his hand was back.

He pushed himself inside and moved fast and deep causing her vagina to start hurting. Billie kept begging him to stop but he didn't, he kept going even though blood started coming out of her. He came but didn't stop there until Billie was begging for her life to stop. After he pulled out, Henry pushed Billie off the bed with no mercy even after seeing her helpless body lying on the floor with blood covering half of her shirt, her face all bruised up and neck all purple.

As she tried to stand up he hit her with his foot on the ribs causing the poor girl to groan in pain. He kept hitting her until she was almost unconscious. Henry grabbed her by the collar and threw her outside his dorm.

"Go fuck her now" He laughed and slammed the door. Billie groaned in pain laying on the cold floor in front of Henry's door. She tilted her hide on the side and saw that's almost midnight meaning everyone is asleep and she can't go to the boys' dorm because they are both gone to celebrate Louis so the only place she can go is....her.

It took the poor girl forty-five minutes to crawl on the other side of the campus, taking break every few steps because of how bad she was hurting. When she finally made it, Billie couldn't bring herself to knock so she felt on the door causing her head to hit the wood.

The door opened and Billie fell inside and flinched at the light. She heard a gasp and felt two arms wrap around her.

"Billie oh my god" Raelynn spoke scared when she saw in what condition the girl is"Oh god" She said and picked her up gently sitting her down on the bed as gentle as possible and Billie let out a sob.

"It hurts" The brunette coughed feeling her body shake. Raelynn ran toward the bathroom from where she took a few things to help Billie's bruises out. The brunette started cleaning the girl's scars gently and carefully so she won't hurt her any more than she already is.

"Can I put you on my lap or you can't sit up?" Billie shook her head making Raelynn understand that she's in too much pain to stand up"That's okay, whatever is good for you" She said but Billie could see the anger in her eyes, the brunette was angry and Billie knew why and if she could, she would try and calm her down.

"He got mad" Billie whispered making Raelynn stop and squeeze the cloth"At me" She continued gasping for air since his chocking did something to her throat, stopping air coming in and out of her mouth so easily.


"Because" Billie coughed again and groaned at how badly it hurts which only made Raelynn angrier, she gently stood Billie up a little and lifted her chin up

"I should call my mom, she knows what to do in these kind of situations, do you mind?" Billie shook her head. Even though Raelynn was dying to know what was the reason Henry was mad at the poor girl, she knew Billie can't speak. Christ, she can't even breath right anymore.

"'Cause I love you" Those four words made Raelynn stop and look down at the bed, a smile forming on her lips.

"If I could kiss you right now, I would" She said and Billie tried to smiled but failed miserably"I love you too, will you give me a sec?" Billie nodded slowly and watched as the taller girl walked in the kitchen and as much as she tried, her eyes shoot close and everything went black.


Billie heard the door open and slam and someone yelling at someone else making her open her eyes slowly seeing Louis, Harry, Raelynn, Dako, Dylan and a woman that looked exactly like Raelynn.

"I" That's all she managed to say causing everyone to stop arguing and look at her. Raelynn quickly ran to her and pulled her in a gentle careful hug. Billie pulled away and lifted the brunette's hands seeing her knuckles all bloody and bruised. She sighed knowing what the taller girl did.

"I was gentle, I promise" Billie chuckled but that shortly turned into a cough causing the new woman to come running toward her"Billie, this is my mom, Anita. She gave you some mexican drugs when you were asleep" Raelynn said making her mom slap her hand.

"Don't listen to her, honey, she's loco" Billie smiled and looked up at Harry and Louis who was cuddled into the taller man's chest, his face red and puffy making Billie sigh, she knows he's been crying.

"Lou?" The short girl asked and he came toward her, running"Hey, I'll be ok. kay?" She asked hugging him"I ain't dying anytime soon" She smiled and someone knocked at the door. Dakota opened the door revealing the headmaster of the university and she gasped seeing Billie.

"Oh god, honey" She said and Billie gave her a side smile"Billie, darling, I am so sorry. I'll do anything possible for him to regret this"

"C-Can I sleep?" Billie asked feeling  headache hit her and Raelynn nodded causing Billie to close her eyes and drift off while listening to everyone talking and deciding what they should do about Henry.

"I don't think we made a wise choice letting her sleep" That's the last thing she heard before completely drifting off


Idk how good this chapter is edited but I am too lazy to do it so yeah take it or leave it ig.

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