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"Ah, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck! No, no, no, no, no. Billie wake up! Billie!" Raelynn ran toward the passed out girl, shaking her"Shit" She checked her pulse and sighed relived.

"We gotta take her to the hospital" Dakota spoke causing Raelynn to glare at her.

"Holy fuck, no way!" Her mother slapped her head"Mama, I am sorry, I really and but what would you do if the person you love just passed out after being beaten so badly?!"

"You love her?" Anita asked and causing Raelynn to nod and gently pick the brunette up.

"Not now mom, not now. Louis you're driving" The brunette spoke and threw the car keys toward him causing the boy to catch it"Dako, mom and Dylan stay here in case the principal needs anything. Come on" Louis and Harry ran after her and once they were outside everyone stared at them but the only thing they cared about is Billie.

Raelynn laid Billie on the backseat while Louis and Harry sat in front. They drove to the nearest hospital where the doctors and nurses took her to the emergency room meanwhile Raelynn was checking the girl in.

"And what if she'd gonna die?" Harry panicked, he was walking back and forth around the waiting room. Louis sighed and looked at Raelynn who was also panicked but didn't show it as much as his boyfriend did.

"She won't alright? Both of you stop panicking, neither of you have any idea how strong this girl truly is or what she's been through. We just gotta think positively" Louis snapped and the two nodded.

"Ms Rodriguez?" A doctor asked and Raelynn stood up"We did some tests and she's sleeping right now. Is the family here?" The girl nodded her head 'no' "She's in room 405 if you want to see her" Raelyn thanked the dude and ran to the room where she slowly opened the door and the view made her heart stop. Billie was pale, paler than her usual, her lips were crusty and a light pink, her hands and collar bone were full of wires and you could see and hear her heartbeat on the monitor which was at a normal speed.

"Hey, mama" The girl whispered coming to sit next to her, she took her hand out slowly and kissed it"Fuck- I'm sorry" Her eyes started watering as she saw in what state was Billie"This is my fault, I am so sorry, baby" The red haired sobbed as she was holding the sleeping girl's hand against her lips.

"Shut up, idiot" Billie's raspy voice filled the silence and Raelynn gasped looking seeing Billie smiling down at her tiredly"Hi, baby" She said, her tone low and tired.

"Hi, mama" Raelynn spoke, relief taking over her body seeing the girl in front of her alive"How are you feeling? Do you need anything?"

"Your dick inside me" The red rooted joked causing Raelynn to let out a sobbing chuckle since she was still crying"Stop crying, I am alive" The red rooted spoke and Raelynn nodded. Billie gently wiped her tears and weakly grabbed the girl's hand bringing it to her lips, softly kissing it.

"I thought I lost you" Billie smiled shaking her head as she patted the seat next to her since the bed was big enough to fit two people.

"You're stuck with me, shithead" Raelynn chuckled and carefully sat next to the girl.

"Is that a promise?" Billie hummed and laid her head on the girl's chest, sighing exhausted. The door opened revealing Louis and Harry.

"Holy god, she's alive. Thank you lords!" Harry said as she ran toward Billie making her smile.

"Sup, hero" Louis said causing the small girl to roll her eyes, he hugged her too then the doctor walked in with finneas and Patrick following, both of their eyes were puffy from crying.

"M daughter!" Patrick shouted running toward his daughter and Billie's eyes filled with tears.

"Hi daddy, Finch" She spoke, her voice barely a whisper.

"I hate to ruin this beautiful news but I got the results and I have good and bad news"

"Start with the bad ones" Louis said and Billie nodded, weakly squeezing Raelynn's hand.

"Well the baby didn't make it" Everyone's eyes widened but Billie's whose were filled with tears.

"Oh... um, can- can I please have a m-minute? Billie asked and everyone nodded and got out but Raelyn  who was stopped.

"You were pregnant? Raelyn  asked, tears filling her eyes and Billie sighed"Did you know?" Billie's eyes also watered as she nodded.

"I found out a month ago, I'm sorry" She sobbed and Raelynn's heart broke, mostly for knowing Billie's much more hrut"I's sorry, I should've told you but I was scared that you'll hate me even more and-" She sobbed inconsolably, the lack of air becoming a problem.

"Was it mine?" Billie nodded.

"Please forgive" Raelyn sighed, wiping both their tears.

"There's nothing to forgive, I get it." Billie sobbed and hugged the girl as she cried in her chest until she fell asleep.


"So?" Raelynn asked the doctor as she was holding close a sleeping Billie.

"The tests are good, she does need to take lots of medicine but she'll be alright. You should take her to therapy thought, after all she suffered a trauma and please don't be sexually active at least a few weeks, it can hurt a lot and when you do she'll bleed a lot so don't panic" The doctor explained and she nodded squeezing Billie a little.

"Thanks, doc" The dude nodded and got out making Raelynn kiss Billie's head"I'll never let anyone touch you ever again, you're mine and mine only"

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