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"And with this formula we'll find the-" The math professor cut himself when he looked at the time realizing it's break time"Well, you know what your assignment is, please do it and I'll see you tomorrow. Billie O'Connell? Can you please stay?" The teacher asked and I hummed going down toward his desk with my books in my hands.

"Yeah? Did something happen?" I asked and he smiled at me, his blue eyes sparkling. Mr. Clayton took off his glasses and chuckled. Mr. Clayton is one of the best math professors I've ever had and I am so thankful to have him in this hard-ass class.

"No, not at all Billie, in fact I want to say I've noticed lately that your assignments not only have been perfect, but they are next level and I thought you might be interested in Ms. Willoughby's class of analytical chemistry" My eyes widened at the sound of Patricia Willoughby.

"Oh my god! Yes, of course- yes!" I said smiling. Patricia Willoughby is the best chemistry professor in the whole state and she doesn't take more than five students in her class which means it's very hard to get in one of her classes. I, like many others, tried but failed miserably.

"Very well but you know that you will have to drop three classes" He said and my heart dropped in my ass.

"But- they are important" He smiled at me and sighed placing his glasses back on his nose.

"I know, Billie, I do, but if you really want this you gotta take some risks" I sighed rubbing my forehead"I don't need an answer now, I'll wait until tomorrow but think about it, it's a huge opportunity" He gave me a pity smile and I smiled back.

"Thank you Mr. Clayton, seriously" I waved goodbye at him and got out where my boyfriend was waiting for me and I smiled excited to see him after five hours of heavy classes"Hey, baby!" I smiled and kissed him.

"Hi, how was class?" He asked and I shrugged smiling up at him as I wrapped my hands around his body. He placed his hands on my ass and gave it a squeeze making me giggle.

"It was great, I have to choose three classes to drop since Clayton wants me to move up to higher class but I don't know which to drop, they are all important" I sighed as we got out of the campus and he hummed wrapping his hands around my body.

"Well I might know someone who's having a party tonight, you should come too, it might help you clear your mind" He said and I sighed nodding. I looked up at him smiling.

"Kiss before I go to work?" I asked and he kissed me making me smile and hum. He tastes like cigarettes and alcohol and his breath always smells wired but I got used to it by now, it's a familiar smell and taste.

I got in my car and sighed before driving toward the nearest TacoBell since that's where I work and parked in the parking lot where I saw my best friend's black Range Rover and smiled then got out and made my way in the back where I was met with my colleagues.

"Billie we need you in front" I hummed and put on my TacoBell t-shit and tied my hair up in a messy bun before going in front where I was met with my two best friends.

"Wassup" I smiled at Louis and Harry and they smiled and hugged me back. We started serving people and in between breaks we would steal burritos and eat.

"Yo, I met this girl yesterday, did Lou tell you?" I asked Harry and his eyes widened making me grin" She looks like a good fuck sadly she's a bitch" I shrugged smiling at the next costumer.

"Ah, that must suck, how are you and Henry?" He asked and I shrugged thanking the man that just paid for his order.

"We're fine, we fought yesterday before the race about him smoking, he didn't stop it thought. I wish he would, it hurts me seeing him destroy himself but at the same time, his body his choice, am I right?" The boys nodded.

Louis and Harry are boyfriends which I think is the cutest thing ever. They met two years ago and fell in love and they are two cuties but I know when to avoid their dorm. Harry and Louis are roommates and share the same dorm since last year when we first met and become friends. I, on the other side, share a room with this bitch, Darren, she's a whore and keeps minding everyone's business but hers.

"Billie, you should brake up with him, he's no good for you. Look at the way you changed ever since you met him, you're not the same person anymore. You are stressed and tired and you don't even hang out with us anymore" Louis said and I sighed knowing it's true. I know that Henry isn't the best but I love him, truly love him and I can't brake up with him.

"I know. . .I just- I love him, you know? How would you feel if I told you to break up with Harry? It would hurt, I know it would" I said and turned to him making the blue eyed boy sigh.

"Did you hear about the party?" I hummed tapping the order number down on the screen when the next client gave me the receipt.

"Thanks, you can sit there and wait, it'll show you the number there" I told the old lady and she smiled at me.

"Thank you sweets, you know, with all this technology I don't know what to do-" She sighed shaking her head and I giggled.

"I am going with Henry, who's helding it anyway?" I asked.

"This girl, Dakota or whatever, she's very nice" Louis said and Harry hummed sucking on his lollipop.

"Dude, where'd you get that?" I asked and he grinned throwing me one and I caught it after I did a dramatic jump"Are y'all coming too? Please do, I know how it's gonna end up and you know how I feel about parties" I begged them and Harry smiled coming and hugging me from behind as I took the next order.

"We are never leaving you alone, Red" He kissed my head and I smiled. We stood like that for another ten minutes until it was finally time to go back to the campus and get ready.

When we got there I had to face Dora's - that's how I like to call her - yelling about where I was and shit like that. She always wants to know where I am even though it's none of her damn business.

After I escaped the devil herself, I took a shower to get rid of the smell of food and then got dressed in a black shirt with 'My Pusyy Tastes Like Pepsi-Cola' written in red on it because- Lana Del Rey, a pair of black basketball shorts, my red and white air max and of course got my sunnies and rings. I sprayed myself with a little of Tom Fored: Tobacco Vanilla and I was out the door.

I walk toward the two dorms of my boyfriend's and Louis'. After I got them with me we made our way in the other campus, campus B, and went in the direction of the loud music. When we got there we were met by the biggest dorm in the campus. We got there and the music was bursting in my ears making me groan.

I looked by my side and I was alone making me gasp and groan. Nice, now I gotta deal with shithea-

"Yo, you're the brat that won the race!" I heard a voice yell behind me and I turned around just to be met with the gorgeous girl that lost at the race.

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