484 11 4

TW: Sexual Activity

When I got in this relationship I never saw myself babysitting a grown-ass man when I could study for Monday.

"God" Henry groaned as he threw up again and I sighed rubbing his back as I sat down next to him on the cold floor of his bathroom.

"It's okay, baby, I'm right here" I told him softly and he just vomited. When he was done I helped him stand up and go back in bed"Do you want me to make you something to eat? Maybe a soup could help?" I asked as I ran my hand through his blonde crusty hair and he rolled his eyes pushing me away.

"I don't want anything from you, go away and let me sleep. It's only your fault that I'm like this" He said and I felt how my heart clenched in my chest making me sigh and stand up before going in his kitchen and starting making him a soup anyway.

I took out from the refrigerator some vegetables and poured some water in a pot then turn on the dirty stove and made a disgusted face when I saw how much dirty is on and around the stove. I looked around and gasped. How didn't I notice? Their dorm looks like a complete mess.

As the soup was boiling I started cleaning around until Henry's roommate, George came in and he grinned when he saw me making me roll my eyes. George always had this sick imagine of me and I hate it, it makes me feel so dirty.

"Wassup, sexy" He said and I hummed as I cleaned the dirt off the TV. I felt his arms around me and I gasped immediately standing up.

"George move, now" I told him not having the guts to look at him. He pressed his body against mine and I felt his hard on my ass making me gasp and freeze. His hand wrapped around my neck and I felt his dirty breath against my face as he talked.

"You feel that, babygirl? You make it like that" He pushed his body closer and I cringed.

"George, get the fuck away from me and take care of that somewhere else" I told him and he just rolled his eyes and pulled away slapping my ass and I gasped.

"One day you'll come to me begging for this" He pointed at his had which looks very small to me but I just rolled my eyes.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night, man" I told him and went back on cleaning up the TV.

After two hours everything was done and I am finally ready to go when I saw Henry's room door open and him coming out making me smile.

"I cleaned up a bit, it was very dir-" He just smashed his lips on mine and I gasped but kissed back. Henry pushed me down on the couch and I hummed as I watched him take off his pants then he took off mine and I moaned after he pushed inside me, it doesn't feel fulfilling but. . .it feel like something is inside me.

"Fuck baby, you feel so good" I hummed and moaned when he finally hit my spot. I moved my hips a little bit more and two minutes after he came I also did and he pulled out, kissing my cheek and I smiled closing my eyes before standing up and getting dressed back up.

"Well this was definitely fun but I gotta go, you got soup in there and if you need anything call" I said and he hummed looking down at his dick making me sigh. I kissed his cheek and got out. I made my way to my dorm from where I heard Dora's moans and rolled my eyes.

I opened the door and there was Dora riding a dude making me cringe at the way she fucks him. Bitch could use some practice but not by me, I am always up for a threesome but no way I'm doing it with her.

"Hi, could you please get the fuck out of our dorm? I had a bad day and I'm dealing with a massive headache, thanks" I gave the dude a sarcastic smile as I made my way to my bed but noticed dirt on it and not any dirt, a red stain making me frown. I heard the door slam and when I turned around Dora was dressing up"What the hell is on my bed?"

"Oh yeah, about that, I ate some pasta" She said and I felt my blood boiling inside me

"Okay, that's it! How many times I have to tell you not to touch my fucking side! You better clean it up or I'm telling everyone what you did last week with that dude" Her eyes widened and quickly stood up"This better be gone and the room smell like vanilla 'til I'm back" I said and grabbed a cold water from my mini fridge and she shouted something at me but I slammed the door and made my way to Louis and Harry's room

"Come in" They said when I knocked on their door and I sis finding them cuddling in their bed as they watched Frozen II so I sat down and Louis immediately wrapped his arm around me.

"You smell like sex" Harry said and I sighed looking up at him.

"Can I take a shower here?" I asked feeling exhausted. They nodded and let me borrow their clothes. I took one of Harry's tees and Louis' boxers before going to take a shower since they have their own bathroom and I don't.

After I was done I went back on the couch and sat down making Louis step closer to Harry to give me some space and I laid on him, watching as well.

"How is he?" Lou asked and I sighed shrugging as Harry stood up.

"Well he fucked me so that means he's better. I cooked him some sop and cleaned up around a lil bit but the George came and uh. . ." I stopped making Louis look down at me. Harry came back with a cover and laid it on me making me smile up at him.

"And what?" Lou asked and I stayed silent making them both look at me scared"And what, Billie?"

"And. . .he was hard, like really hard and then he came closer and sat very, very close to my body saying some shit about how I am the one making him like that and more bullshit" I explained looking down at my fingers.

"What the fuck, man! That's gross" Harry said and I just hummed, my head hurts too bad for me to deal with this bullshit right now.

"Whatever, I don't care right now, let's just watch the movie" I said and they hummed and we all cuddled ion the couch together until I fell asleep with my body half-laying on Louis who's arm was wrapped around my body, holding me for dear life.

God how I love these two.

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