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Laura Campbell stood on the rooftop of a tall building. She gazed across the skyline of the city, taking in the beautiful view. The stars shone bright above her head. Laura looked down. It was a long way down, but she wasn't frightened of it. Instead, she found it comforting, as she knew it would be her way to freedom and peace, finally away from this miserable life. She gazed across the skyline one more time, took a deep breath, and jumped.

Laura waited for the hit, for the eternal darkness to come in, but it didn't.

Instead, she landed on a soft bed of gras. Groaning, Laura sat up and looked around her. Where the hell was she? A big lion stood next to her, but that wasn't the most frightening part of it. It spoke.

"Welcome, Laura Campbell, Guardian of Narnia"

My first chapter, yay :D

I know it's really short, but the next chapters will be way longer, promise!



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