Chapter 4

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A/N: The picture above is Laura's horse (except for the wings, those are for your imagination ;)), Nightshade, who appears in this chapter shortly, but will be appearing a lot more later on. Hope you're as much in love with her as I am!

Peter looked around as they walked into the camp. There were all kind of creatures, Peter never existed but did knew from mythology. The crowd parted respectfully for Laura and them as she leaded them to the front.

"Oi, stop fussing. You look lovely" Mr Beaver told Mrs Beaver who was fussing with her fur. They reached something what looked like a plateau, a tent standing tall on it. On the side stood a centaur. Laura stopped. She looked at the centaur. Laura nodded at the centaur in greeting, and the centaur raised his hand in return.

Peter pulled out his sword and positioned it in front of him. "We've come to see Aslan" He said. The tent flaps opened, and a lion walked out.

"Welcome, Peter, Son of Adam, Welcome, Susan and Lucy, Daughters of Eve. And welcome to you, beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fourth?"

"That's why were here, sir." Peter said as he stood again and sheathed his sword. "We need your help. Our brother's been captured by the White Witch."

"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan questioned.

There was a small silence before Mr Beaver spoke up. "He's betrayed them, Your Majesty"

The crowd started murmuring.

"Then he has betrayed us all" The centaur who stood on the side said.

The murmuring from the crowd became louder.

"Silence" The Great Lion said. "I'm sure they have a perfectly fine explanation."

"It's my fault" Peter said "I was too harsh on him."

"We all were" Susan added.

"He's our brother." Lucy said sadly.

"Which is why I'm sure he's already realized what he's done."

"I'll get him." Laura spoke up.

Aslan looked at Laura, and his face became stern. "We will see about that. You know what you've done"

Laura became visibly annoyed. "But if-"

"That's enough. I will speak to you later, Laura."

For a moment, Peter noticed Laura's hands glowing ice blue, and the ground started to tremble a little bit. But it disappeared just as quick as it came, and Peter didn't know whether it had been real or his imagination.

Aslan looked back at the siblings. "Apart from your brother, there's still a war to fight. You must decide whether you want to fight or not. I hope you make the right choice."

After this, he walked back into his tent. The crowd started to fan out, everyone going back towards their own things.

Laura turned around on her heels and started to walk away. Peter still felt bad about what happened at the river, and decided to apologize.

He had to jog to catch up with her, as she had a quick pace.

"Hey, I just wanted to say I'm sorry about earlier. I didn't mean it like that. I just was kinda surprised you are the Guardian. But I just wanted to say thank you for saving us" Peter stuttered. "God, I'm only making it worse, am I?"

"You are" Laura responding, finally training her cold gaze at him.

"You're not in trouble with Aslan, are you?" Peter asked, aware of the dangerous look in the girls eyes.

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