Chapter 9

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Laura started running as soon as she was out of sight. She wanted to scream, to cry, to break down, but she kept running.

She arrived at the edge of the forest, near the cliff, and immediately fell down, crying.

She held her head with her hands, shaking from the cries that were exiting her mouth. Her whole world had collapsed. Everything she had known was a lie.

She closed her eyes, and the flashbacks started again.

Laura was 8 years old, her earliest memory. She ran down the icy corridors, towards the throne room. She had just discovered what she had accomplished, and was eager to show it to her mother. She would be so proud.

When she was about to enter the throne room, she stopped by the doors, as she heard yelling. She peered through the doors, and she saw her parents.

"-can't I bring her to my world?!" Her father yelled.

"She will not leave Narnia" Her mother equally angry.

Laura didn't know what it was about. She was about to turn around when her father noticed her. His gaze immediately softened at the sight of his little girl.

"Snowflake, come in" He softly spoke while walking towards her. Her mother's cold look remained on her face as Laura walked in. Unlike her father, the Queen of Narnia did not have a soft spot for her daughter.

"Laura, what's wrong?" The Queen spoke.

Laura stepped forward, facing her mother confidently like she had told her.

"I have mastered my elemental powers like you told me to, mother."

Jadis nodded, pleased. "Well done, daughter." She turned towards her lieutenant. "Maugrim, teach my daughter how to fight, she's ready."

Maugrim nodded. "Come along, princess."

Laura was excited. She always was when her mother was pleased with her. And as she walked out, she didn't see the desperate look on her fathers face.

The scene faded, and a different scene became clear.

Laura was riding a polar bear, a group of wolves by her side. They were riding though the forest in the dark. Laura was 10 now, and about to execute her first mission.

She thought about the mission. There were rebels in the North Eastern region, who had to be killed. She was excited. Finally, her mother thought she was ready.

The wolves howled. They were here. Laura held up her hand, and the group came to a halt.

She slid of the polar bears back, and motioned to the rest to follow her quietly.

Quietly they walked through the forest. Laura peered from behind a tree. The rebels were all sleeping. Idiots Laura thought. They shouldn't known better than to sleep here out in the open.

She oversaw the situation. Mostly adults, but even a few children.

She knew what her mother had ordered. Kill them all, and make sure the other Narnians know the Queen of Narnia is not to be messed with.

She gave the signal, and they ran forward. They all yelled, making sure all rebels were awake.

She enjoyed the look of pure fear on the rebels's faces as the stabbed them, one by one. Even the children's crying didn't bother her as she killed them as well.

Within a minute, every rebel was dead. Laura admired the bloody scene before her, and knew her mother would be pleased.

The scene shifted again, this time to a memory where Laura was twelve.

They were running though the forest, her father tugging Laura along. He had a look of pure fear on his face. She could hear howling behind them. Laura still didn't understand what they were running for. The wolves were their alliances, not their enemies, right?

They stopped at what looked like a portal. Laura peered through it, the other side looked strange, without snow.

Her father turned towards Laura. "Snowflake, you must listen very carefully. Go through this portal. Remember the world where I told you about?"

Laura nodded, remembering the world where her father had came from.

"You will enter that world. My brother will be there. Tell him you're my daughter, and he will give you a home. Be a good girl, okay?"

"But what about you?" Laura asked.

"I'm sorry, honey. I can't come. Just know I love you, alright?"

Laura nodded. "I love you too, dad." Her dad smiled to her as she stepped through the portal. She turned to look at her father. The last thing she saw was her father smiling reassuringly at her, before turning to face the wolves.

Laura gasped as the flashbacks stopped. She couldn't believe it, had Aslan really lied to her?

As if summoned the Great Lion walked up to her, and sat down next to her.

Laura didn't look at him, still holding her head in her hands.

Aslan sighed.

"You know, I wasn't the one who brought you back to Narnia."

Laura looked at him now. "What?"

"You actually died, and ended up in my Land."

"But... I thought Aslan's land only was for heroes. I don't deserve that. I did horrible things."

Aslan shook his head. "No, Laura, you came there because in you have a pure heart. You are not to be held accountable for your mothers actions."

"Just tell my real story. No more lies."

Aslan nodded.

"More than 200 years ago, the White Witch fell in love with a mortal, something that no one could've guessed. Jadis made your father immortal as well, to rule together forever. You were the result of their love. You were immortal as well, and had some of your mothers elemental powers. Your mother trained you to be an assassin. But even though your father loved your mother dearly, he did not want this life for you."

Aslan paused before continuing.

"When you were twelve, he decided to put an end to it. He took you his world. But because your mother had send her wolves to kill you both, he sacrificed himself to safe you."

"So, the Witch killed my father?"

Aslan nodded. "Yes. Look Laura, you're nothing like your mother, because of your father. You have the only thing from your father that your mother loathed. You had a heart."

"So, I already had my powers and immortality from my mother. When I went to my father's world I lost those, along with my memory. When I came back here I got them back again, except for my memory."

Aslan smiled, proud of the girl's intelligence.

"But I don't understand." Laura continued. "So the Guardian was never real?"

"No, it never was. I made it up. Otherwise, no one would've accepted you. But more importantly, you wouldn't have accepted yourself as a good person."

Laura shook her head. "But that's the thing, I'm not a good person. I've done horrible things."

Aslan sighed. "I'm afraid only you can accept that. But get some rest, okay? Tough times are ahead" He wore a sad expression on his face. Laura nodded, and he stood up, leaving the girl alone again.

Laura gazed into the distance. Everybody hated her now. Peter probably hated her. She hated herself.

Then, she made a decision. She knew that if she would kill herself, she would probably just end up in Aslan's land again. So she couldn't do that.

And as she watched the sunset, a plan started to form in her head. 

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