Chapter 7 I Manager

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It was after the show.

Isabelle and I were walking towards my tour bus when a man stopped her.

"Hey, I like your song." He said.

"Thank you," Isabelle said.

She tried to walk, but the man stopped her again.

"You know I'm Chad Milton?" Chad asked.

"I know who you are." She replied.

"I want you to do a record deal with me," Chad said.

"Wait, really?!" Isabelle said excitedly.

"Yes, really." He replied.

"Oh my god, yes," Isabelle said excitedly.


We were in my tour bus.

We were sitting at the table.

Alex grabbed a cupcake from the table and put it against my face. I gasped. She started wiping it across my face.

"Are you jealous, girl?" I asked.

Alex stopped wiping my face with the cupcake.

I could see the jealousy in her eyes.

"You jealous fuck." I said.

She stood up, and so did I. Alex put her forehead against mine and started pushing it, and I did the same.

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