Chapter 23 I Tragic

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This chapter is going to be sad and have suicide in it. If u don't like sad and/or suicidal and/or triggered by suicide, then I recommend not reading this. This is the last chapter, so unfortunately, u can't read it. And I apologise but in the end, every 'a star is born' has a sad ending. And if u r suicidal u need to get some help. Call or text a suicide hotline or get therapy. Ur life matters even tho u may not think so. And ppl care about u. I care about u. And I do love u, no homo ❤️ I hope u get the help u need.

(Alex's P.O.V)

It was a day later.

I was lying on my bed, feeling depressed.

I hadn't moved at all. I didn't eat. I didn't drink.

"I'm going to go to the show now. Do you want to come with me?" Isabelle asked.

I didn't know she had entered the room.

"I'll go a bit later," I replied.

She turned around and was about to leave the room.

"Hey," I said as I sat up.

She turned around.

"What?" She asked.

"I just wanted to take another look at you," I replied, smiling.

She put her finger on her forehead and slid it down her nose and to the bottom of her chin, smiling. Isabelle turned around again and left the room.

It was 20 minutes later.

I was in the garage about to go to the show.

I didn't want to go.

I don't want to be with someone who hates me. I want to kill myself. I'm going to kill myself.

I looked around the garage to find the perfect place to hang myself.

I found a bar on the roof.

I took my belt off and turned it into a noose. I grabbed a chair and slid it under the bar. I tied the belt around the bar. I stood on the chair and put my head through the loop. I knocked the chair over, and all I could see was darkness.

(Isabelle's P.O.V)

It was 10 minutes later.

I was backstage at my show, sitting on a stool and drinking water from a bottle.

Alex hadn't shown up, and I started to worry.

"Has anyone seen Alex?" I asked worryingly.

Everyone said no.

"Well, looks like we'd gotta perform the song without her," I said worryingly.

I closed the lid on the bottle and put it on a small plastic table next to me. I stood up and walked onto the stage. The audience cheered. I sat on the piano and started singing the song Alex and I performed at her show.

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