Chapter 8 I First Song

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Alex and I were in a recording studio.

I was in the booth, sitting on the black leather piano stool.

I was both excited and scared.

"We're gonna take it from the top," David said.

David is a recording artist.

I put my fingers on the cool white keys of the piano and started playing the song I wrote in the diner and played last night.

I kept messing it up, and whenever I did, David kept telling me to restart the song.

Thankfully, David is patient; otherwise, he'll be gone by now.

My arms began to shake because I was so nervous.

I kept trying but kept messing it up because my arms shook so badly. And I had to keep repeating the song.


I could tell Isabelle was nervous, judging by her arms shaking and sweating.

I wouldn't blame her because this is her first time recording her song, and when I first recorded my song, I was pretty nervous myself.

I decided to try and calm down Isabelle.

I walked up to David.

"Can I go in the booth and calm down Isabelle, please?" I asked David.

"Yeah." He replied.

I walked up to the booth's door and opened it. I walked in and then closed the door behind me. I sat beside Isabelle and wrapped my arm around her warm shoulder.

"You're doing amazing, babe. The first time I recorded a song, I was shit scared. You should've seen me. I was holding my manager the entire time."

Isabelle laughed.

"But I'm terrified." She said.

"At least you're doing way better than me. I'm proud of you. You're recording your own song. You've done so much in the last few weeks." I kissed her. "Feeling calm now?" I asked.

"Yeah." She replied, smiling.

"Good," I said, smiling.

I kissed her again.

"You ready?" I asked.

"Yeah," Isabelle said, smiling.

I gave David the thumbs up.

"I'm recording in 3, 2," David said.

He didn't say 1, yet he used his finger to count 1. Isabelle started playing the piano and singing.

It was a few minutes later.

Isabelle stopped singing and playing the piano.

She nailed it.

"That was amazing, babe," I said, smiling.

"Thanks." She replied, smiling.

"No worries," I replied, smiling.

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