Chapter 6 I Second Show

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Alex and I were in the changing room, preparing for the show.

Soon, I was finished getting changed.

I turned around to see Alex drinking vodka.

Once she was finished drinking it, there was a loud knock at the door. I answered it.

It was Fred.

"You're on in 5." Fred said.

I nodded my head then closed the door. I looked behind me to see Alex put the glass down on a table and then grabbed my hand.

"You ready?" She asked.

I nodded my head.

"Well, let's go." She said.

We both left the changing room. We walked backstage. We walked onto the stage.

I was playing the piano, by the way.

Alex walked towards her guitar and mic, and I walked towards my piano. Alex waved at the audience, and everyone cheered.

"How's everyone today?" Alex asked the audience.

Everyone cheered louder.

"That's good then." She replied.

Alex started singing Hot Tub Time.


Soon, my set ended.

My band, Isabelle and I all left the stage.

We were all backstage.

I grabbed an empty glass and whiskey, then poured some into the glass. I put the whiskey down and drank all the whiskey. Whenever my glass was open, I poured more and drank it.

I was pretty drunk. 

"Honey, I think that's enough alcohol," Isabelle said.

I grabbed her hand but didn't look at her.

"I want you to sing that song you wrote in the diner." I slurred.

"Oh no, Alex, I can't do it," Isabelle said.

"You have to." I slurred.

"Fine, I'll do it." Isabelle caved in.

I stood up.

"Come." I slurred.

I stumbled onto the stage. I stumbled towards the mic.

"Ok, we're gonna let Isabelle bring us home." I slurred.

Isabelle started playing the piano and singing the song she wrote in the diner.


I then realised that I didn't name Alex's manager so you're probs thinking who tf is Fred? Fred is Alex's manager.

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