Chapter 17 I Shower

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(Alex's P.O.V)

It was an hour later.

Isabelle and I were still in the pool, floating on the doughnut floaty.

The sky turned navy blue minutes ago.

I was cold. 

"Wanna hop out?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

She got off me, and I got off the floaty. We swam towards the stairs.

Soon, it got too shallow to swim, so we stood up and walked towards the stairs.

We walked up to them. I grabbed 2 towels and handed 1 to Isabelle. She grabbed it and thanked me. We dried ourselves off.

Once we were dry, we wrapped the towels around us.

"Wanna take a shower?" I asked.

"Yes." She replied.

We walked inside. We headed for the bathroom.

We walked in, and I closed the door. We took our clothes off, and I turned on the shower. I stuck my hand under the water and waited for it to warm.

Soon, it got warm. I hopped in, and Isabelle followed me afterwards.

We washed each other's hair and bodies.

(Isabelle's P.O.V)

It was 5 minutes later.

We were done.

She turned off the shower, and we hopped out. We grabbed our towels and then dried ourselves off.

Once we were dried, we left the bathroom. Alex shoved me against the wall and started heavily making out with me.

She kissed her way down towards my neck. She started kissing it, and I tilted my head to the side to grant her more access.

She put her knee up against my vagina and started grinding it. I let out several moans.

She started rubbing her thumbs on my nipples.

Alex removed her knee and went down on her knees. She started eating me out, and I let out several loud moans.

It was a minute later.

I came. Alex stood up. I picked her up and then walked to our bed. I put her on the bed, and I kneeled on my knees and started eating her delicious wet vagina out. She let out several loud moans.

It was a minute later.

Alex came. I lay down on the bed next to her. Alex turned around and put her head and hands on me. I wrapped my arm around her.

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