Chapter 5 I Diner

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It was the next day.

I was inside Isabell's house.

I walked into her room to see her sleeping. I sat down on her bed and then stroked her arm. She stirred and then sat up. Isabell smiled when she saw me, and I smiled back.

"Do you want to go down to Melbourne?" I asked.

She put my forehead against hers.

"Yes," Isabell replied.

I kissed her passionately.

I pulled away.

"Go get ready then. I'll go and make you some brekkie. What do you want? I replied as I sat up.

"Pancakes." She said.

"Pancakes it is," I replied.

I left her room and walked into the kitchen. I started searching for the pancake mix spatula and pan.

I soon found them.

I turned the stove on and then put the pan on the stove. I poured some of the pancake mix into the pan. I put the pancake mix on the counter, then searched for some plates, forks, maple syrup, whipped cream and fruit and could put on pancakes.

I soon found them all.

By the time I found them, the pancake was ready.

It was ten minutes later.

I managed to make ten pancakes. By the time I was done, I felt someone wrapped their arms around me.

"Hello, gorgeous," I said.

"Something smells incredible," Isabell said.

She kissed my cheek.

"You sure it's not me?" I asked.

"Na, you don't smell like pancakes. You smell a lot better than them." She said.

"Good to know," I said.

Isabell laughed.

"Your laugh is very beautiful," I said. 

"Thanks." She replied.

"No worries. How many pancakes do you want? I've made ten." I said.

"Five would do," Isabell said.

I started putting five pancakes on the plate. I put the rest of the pancakes on a different plate. I grabbed the two plates.

"Please remove your arms and go sit down," I said.

Isabell obeyed me and then sat down at a dining table. I walked up to the table and placed one plate in front of her and then the other plate next to it. Isabell went to touch her pancake when I gently slapped her hand. Her arm froze.

"Uh uh uh, what do you get to say first?" I asked.

"Thank you, Alex," Isabell said.

"Good. Now you may eat." I replied.

I grabbed some whipped cream and sprayed it on my pancakes. I put the tin back down. I started to dig in.


We finished eating.

"You ready to go now?" Alex asked.

I nodded my head. We both stood up and then walked to the front door. Alex opened it and then stepped aside.

"Thank you," I said as I walked through the door.

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