Chapter 11 I I Do

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(I've never been to a wedding, so ima guess it, so please don't spray your hair in my ear)

It was a day later.

I was in the church, standing by the altar.

I was waiting for Isabelle.

We were getting eloped, so the only people who were here were Ron to walk Isabelle down the aisle and his brother Tony, who's a priest.

It's a Saturday, so no one is in the church.

I was wearing an all-white suit, white loafers, white underwear and a white bra.

Isabelle came walking down the aisle with a huge grin on her face. Ron was walking next to her, their arms linked together.

She was wearing a long white dress.

She has hot pink lipstick, black eyeliner, mascara and light pink blush.

She looks stunning.

She stood next to me, and Ron removed his arm and sat down on the pew. The priest started talking.


"Would you like to say your vows?" The priest said.

Alex and I said yes.

"Isabelle, I vow to always be there for you. I vow always to protect you. I vow to make you breakfast in bed every weekend. I vow to always care for you." Alex said.

"I vow to always care about you, to protect you, to be there for you and to make you laugh," I said.

"Do you, Alex Katz, take Isabelle Madden to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do," Alex replied.

"Do you, Isabelle Madden, take Alex Katz to be your lawfully wedded wife?" The priest asked.

"I do." I replied.

"You may now kiss the bride." The priest said.

We both kissed.

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