Chapter 12 I Honeymoon

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(Isabelle's P.O.V)

Alex and I were in our hotel room. We were on our honeymoon.

"Take your clothes off." Alex said.

I obeyed and took my clothes off.

Once I took them off I looked at Alex to see her naked. She shoved me up against the wall and she started heavily making out with me. She grabbed my hands and bought them above my head against the wall and her hands stayed there.

She kissed her way down to my ear lobe and started nibbling it gently.

It felt incredible.

Alex kissed her way down to my neck and started licking sucking and kissing it. I tilted my head to the side to grant her more access.

"Keep your hands above your head and don't touch me." Alex demanded.

I nodded my head. She went down on her knees and started licking my clit. I let out several moans. Her tongue was moving in circles left to right and up and down.

It felt amazing.

She quickened the pace making it feel even better. I moaned even louder.

It was a minute later.

I came hard. I was panting heavily.

"I'm not done with you yet." Alex said.

She stood up and picked me up. She started walking. She laid me down on our bed and I bounced on the mattress a few times. Alex opened a nightstand drawer and grabbed a hot pink vibrator.

It looks like the one you can put inside you.

She turned it on and put it on my clit.

"Fuck!" I screamed.

I let out several loud moans. I bucked my hips up.

"Does this feel good?" She asked.

"Yes!" I screamed.

"Do you want more?" Alex asked.

"No!" I screamed.

She removed it from my clit and put it inside my vagina. She was pumping it in and out at a slow pace. I grabbed onto the bedsheets.

"Do you want it faster?" She asked.

"Yes!" I screamed.

She increased her pace and my moans became louder.

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