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She has a gun. A fucking gun.
  Demi tried not to speak or look at Billie, she even tried not to breathe too loudly.
"Number one nobody told you to come upstairs. I told you to stay with Z and Ondre. Number two who told you to drink and smoke? Because your body can't even handle it."
Demi really didn't want to speak. She knew Billie would yell at her if she didn't.
"I'm sorry."
"No. Don't fucking apologize Demi. That shit is so fucking annoying." Billie slammed on her brakes. They were outside a nice house. A really nice house.
"Let's go. Don't get blood on my seats." Billie said, referring to the bleeding scrapes all over Demi's body.
Demi followed billie inside the house where they were greeted by a boy. He really looks like billie so maybe it was her brother.
"I'm Finneas nice to meet you." The man said, pulling Demi in for a hug.
"I-I'm Demi."
Billie then drug Demi upstairs to the bathroom.
"Stop! What are you doing?!" Demi shouted as billie undressed her.
"I'm trying to fucking clean the blood off of you. Stop moving." She spat through gritted teeth.
After billie cleaned and dressed the wounds she gave Demi some clothes to change into for tonight.
"You're not going home tonight. You're too drunk."
That sucks. Demi really wanted to go home. She needed the comfort of her brother and sister and maybe her best friend.
She laid in the bed with her back toward Billie.
And then billie spoke.
"Demi. Serious question. Why. Why won't you accept me as a friend?"
"Cuz you're mean. You make me cry. And you yell at me so much." Demi began listing off reasons why she didn't want billie to be her friend.
It hurt billie. But billie didn't show it.
"Wipe your tears. They make you look weak."
How did Billie know Demi was crying?
Demi did so, not wanting to make Billie angry again.
"Turn. Face me." Billie said. Her voice was calm and quiet. Demi has never heard her so calm since they met.
"Now come closer."
Demi scooted a little closer but Billie still wasn't satisfied. She grabbed Demi and pulled her over until there was no space between them.
She needed this comfort, but she didn't know she needed it from Billie.
Demi wasn't shaky anymore. She was completely still, and her breathing was never so steady until now.
Billie patted her chest signaling for Demi to rest her head there.
And Demi did.

Big bro 🙌🏼- dude Demi where are you?
Big bro 🙌🏼- why aren't you home yet???
Big bro🙌🏼 - send me your location

D- Aj I'm okay. I'm with my friend and I'm staying with her tonight. She'll take me to school I promise.

Demi turned her phone off and just sat there in silence, her head still on Billie's chest, listening to her heartbeat.
"Go to sleep." Billie said. Again, very quietly.
Billie's hand found it's way to Demi's side where she held her for most of the night.
   Until it was morning time.
Demi didn't want to go to school.
   She just laid there, completely still until Billie woke up. Which wasn't until a few hours later.
   "Get up. Aren't you goin to school?" She asked while checking the time.
   "No. I'd rather not with these scrapes all over my face."
  "Very well. I'm gonna go shower. Don't bother anyone." Billie got up, her hair was everywhere but it still perfectly framed her face.

I'm straight
I'm so straight
Calm it Demi.

I can't be you; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now