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"We're going to the gun range." Billie said while handing Demi the keys.
  "Wait no way. I'm not driving. Hell no!" Demi pushed the keys across the table back to Billie.
    "Okay I'll drive. You roll up."
"You put me under a lot of stress miss Billie." Demi joked while walking out to the car. Billie chuckled and climbed into the driver seat.
"You do know how to roll right?" Billie paused before starting the car, putting her seatbelt on in the moment.
"Yeah, yeah of course." Demi reached for the jar and began rolling up as Billie drove slowly and steadily.


"Can I post them?... please?" Demi smiled, looking at the photos Billie took of her.
Billie smiled proudly and nodded.
"Go on." Billie said with a chuckle.

DemiSulivian - training training training⭐️

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DemiSulivian - training training training⭐️

Demi laid back on Billie's arm, in Billie bed of course.
    "You really do have good form. I'm bummed I didn't teach you sooner."
   "Hm. I'm glad we're spending time together. I don't wanna fight like that again." Demi nuzzled her face into Billie's neck and inhaled her expensive perfume.
   "Since you're able to defend yourself now. I was thinking we'd go out. Just us. Without the weird feeling of being watched."
    Billie said while getting up.
Demi pulled a shirt over her sports bra and fixed her hair.
   "Where too?" She said, her eyes full of hope.
"I don't know. It's nice out... maybe the fair?" Billie slid her black shoes on and grabbed a hoodie, even though she had a spare in the car.
   Later, once they arrived at the fair Billie left Demi at the entrance while she ran back to the car and Demi was growing extremely anxious.
    The crowd was growing larger and larger by the minute and Demi knew she wasn't gonna be able to find Billie in the mess so she walked to the bench to sit and wait patiently.
   About 20 minutes passed and Demi was getting worried so she walked around a bit but then she got lost.. again.
   She frantically searched everywhere but couldn't find Billie.
   "Bill?" Demi panicked while running toward the entrance of the fair.
    Finally she had enough and went to look for Billie's car which wasn't there.
    It wasn't where Billie had parked it.   
She sat on the curb crying until someone grabbed her shoulder.
   "Where were you? I was moving the car." Billie's calm voice said to the crying girl.
   "Hey. Why are you crying? What happened?" Her sweet voice cooed while helping the girl off of the dirty curb
   "I thought you left me." She sniffled while hugging Billie's arm as they walked.
"I wouldn't leave you. I moved the car because it was too muddy over there." Billie swept the hairs away from Demi's face and kissed her cheek.
   "Today is a calm day, Kay? No crying."
Billie was being really sweet. Demi wasn't used to the sweetness, because after so long, Billie would just go back to being mean.
    "Where to first? Cotton candy or games?"
"Games please." Demi hiccuped.
    After a full evening of playing games, eating food, riding rides and walking around Demi was extremely tired.
   She made Billie carry the giant plushies she won for Demi to the car while the brunette held onto her arm.
   "Today was fun huh?" Billie chuckled as the brunette was nearly asleep in the car.
   "Mhm." She sleepily hummed, laying her head on the window.
   "Don't fall asleep yet. We're gonna go to the drive in." Billie said, her hand holding Demi's.
   Once they arrived at the drive in cinema Billie's helped Demi prop the two large stuffed animals on the hood of the car and she pulled the black blanket out of trunk.
   "I've never been to a drive in." Demi whispered while laying her head on Billie's shoulder.
     "Me neither." Billie giggled.
The sat there, watching the movie, laughing and gasping at the jump scares when Billie turned to Demi.
   "Demi... I don't like being mean to you, you know that I just want to protect you and keep you safe from everything and everyone. It breaks my heart when I raise my voice at you. I'm glad you're able to understand me and I'm able to understand you, I want you to be my girlfriend and let me protect you the way you should be protected. I love you." Billie cupped Demi's jaw, waiting for a response but all she got in return was a smile, a heartwarming smile and a kiss.
    "Billie, you're so adorable."
"What is that? A yes?" Billie said, her lips curling up into a smile.
  "Mhm!" Demi squealed.
After the movie finished Billie carried the sleeping girl to the car and then she packed everything up before getting in and driving home.
    She glanced over at the sleeping girl and smiled as she stirred awake.
   "Go back to sleep baby."
Demi smiled at the feeling Billie brought her, it was so heartwarming.
   Demi felt Billie's hand grab into her thigh gently as she drifted back to sleep.
   But when she woke up she was in Billie's bed, all snuggled up beside her with the Stuffies on the floor by the bed.
    "Get some rest. You're exhausted." Billie whispered, placing a sweet and gentle kiss on her forehead."

I can't be you; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now