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"Demi. You aren't allowed to hang out with that Billie girl again." Ava said while stepping into the room with Demi's phone.
   "Dude why are you going through my phone? That's my privacy." Demi said while snatching her phone out of her older sisters hands.
    "She's a fucking criminal Demetria. The fuck were you thinking going out with her? Don't you see her instagram?"
   "I don't even follow her on instagram! What the hell are you talking about Ava?" Demi grabbed her bag and went to sit outside.
   Her and Ava never fight. Ever.
But ever since she got with her boyfriend, Oliver everything has been different. She's always in a bad mood. 
   And then somehow Demi ended up at the park.
    She was sitting on the swings when a group of girls came up. She recognized one.
   It was the girl Billie was fucking at the party.
"Yeah man that's the girl that cried because I had sex with Billie at the party." She said while pointing at Demi.
   Demi got up and walked away, she tried to text Billie multiple times but there was no answer.
   "Quit relying on Billie for everything. She doesn't even want you around."
   Those words stuck like a knife in Demi's chest.

Hello? I told you NOT to call me unless it's an emergency!

  I know. I'm sorry. You weren't answering my texts. Could you- could you come get me?

I'm about an hour away. Don't start no crying shit, it'll make you an easier target.
  Just tell her I'm on my way okay? Wipe those fucking tears. Crybaby.

Billie ended the call and Demi just sat on the curb.
   It was getting dark fast, and it was growing colder by the minute.
   And soon it began raining.
And then she heard the roaring of Billie engine pulling up.
   "Get in the car." She said to the shivering girl while getting out and slamming the door.
   She threw a hoodie at Demi from the back seat and took off into the playground to confront Laila.
    Demi was praying Billie wouldn't hurt her too seriously. That was until she heard a loud scream and saw Billie marching back to the car.
    "What did you do?" Demi said, her voice shaking.
   "Don't worry about it Demi. Be quiet." Billie growled.

Big sis💋- have fun with Billie.
Big sis💋- you don't listen at all so when she hurts you don't come crying to me or Aj. We tried to warn you.

Demi rested her head on the window as Billie drove.
    The silence was becoming too loud so Demi swallowed hard and built up courage to speak.
   "Thank you." She quietly said.
Billie clenched her jaw. She really hated small talk.
    "For what Demetria?"
"Always coming to get me out of trouble. I really appreciate it." Demi looked over at Billie. Her face softened. Her jaw was no longer clenched, her eyebrows furrowed as she glanced over at Demi.
     "Put the hoodie on. You're gonna get sick." Billie just didn't know how to respond to kind words.
      So she covers it up by switching the subject.
Demi didn't speak anymore. She just tried to fall asleep while they were on the freeway.
      Billie reached over and reclined the seat for the sleeping girl and turned the heat on so she'd be more comfortable.
      And then Demi woke up once the car came to a full stop.
   "Where are we?" She sleepily looked around but all she saw was darkness.
    "Somewhere I only too my brother. Fix your seat and look out infront of us." Billie turned off the car and made sure her headlights were off before peering over at Demi.
    "Now look into the sky."
It was a meteor shower.
   Demi had never saw a meteor shower before. She always wanted to though.
     The looked straight ahead and saw rushing water as they were right by a lake. But it was hard to tell where exactly where being that it was extremely dark outside.
    "It's really cool. Thank you for bringing me here." Demi whispered, finally placing her hand on top of Billie's as the watched out the window at the rushing lights in the sky.
     "Shh. Just enjoy it."

I can't be you; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now