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"Demi?" Billie groaned sleepily while turning over to find the side of the bed Demi was sleeping on completely empty.
She put on a pair of shorts and went downstairs to search for the brunette.
She looked out of the glass doors leading to the backyard and found Demi playing with Billie's dog, shark.
She was throwing the ball and retrieving it from the dog just to throw it again.
Billie stood on the deck smiling at the sight.
That was until Demi was running from the dog and fell into the pool which made Billie laugh out loud.
"Shark!" Demi laughed while climbing out of the pool.
Billie ran up to her, pushing her back into the pool but Demi grabbed ahold of her shirt, dragging her into the pool.
  "Demetria! That was uncalled for." Billie said with a pout, lifting the girl onto the side of the pool and kissing her, Billie's hands still holding onto her hips.
"Serves you right for laughing." Demi giggled, sliding underneath Billie's grasp and splashing her.


Billie wrapped Demi in a towel before drying herself off.
"I'm guessing no work today? You're in a really really good mood." Demi said while drying her hair.
"No work until Friday. That's 5 days no work so I was thinking we could possibly go down to Florida? Just to get our minds off things."
Demi sipped her drink and looked at Billie, her brown eyes growing wide and hopeful.
"Really!! Florida?!??"
"Yes. We can road-trip? If you want to that is." Billie lit a blunt and leaned back into the chair.
"Billie. Since it's just us... do you think maybe I could... smoke with you?"
Billie inhaled a large cloud of smoke before holding the blunt out toward the younger girl.
"Wait really?"
"Go on while I'm offering it."
Billie watched Demi hesitantly reach for it but she paused.
"You're not fucking with me right?"
"Demetria Melanie Sullivan. Take the blunt." She chuckled, finally feeling Demi take it from between her fingers.
Billie watched her place it between her lips and inhale slowly.
She passed it back to Billie, not one cough leaving her lips.
"You smoked before?"
"Never weed. Just like. Vapes. You know?" Demi inhaled sharply as she finally felt the sting in her throat.
"Ah. There it is." Billie laughed as the girl coughed loudly, tears streaming down her face.
    After an hour the high really hit Demi.
She was laying on the floor staring at the ceiling, completely blocking Billie out.
   "This is why I didn't want you to smoke."
"I'm like literally living my best life right now. Do we have any donuts?"
   Billie sighed and went to the kitchen to check the pantry for donuts, specially chocolate donuts, Demi's absolute favorite.
  She took them to the living room where Demi was but she was acting completely normal, but she was still really high.
    Billie sat on the couch, smoke still filling the air from her second blunt.
    "Wanna do this one too?" Billie joked but Demi wasn't joking.
   She climbed onto Billie's lap while facing her, taking the blunt and putting it between her lips. She held the smoke in her mouth and kissed Billie, letting the smoke flow into her mouth.
    "That was hot." Billie breathed, squeezing Demi's hips.
   "Yeah? Let me do it again then." Demi landed a kiss on Billie's lips before hitting the blunt again.
   She let the smoke flow into Billie's mouth again, this time her hand was resting on the base of her throat.
   "When you smoke you get so dominate. It's cute I like it." Billie's hand shot up, gripping Demi's throat causing a small whimper to slip off of her lips.

I can't be you; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now