Twenty six

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"Are you alright my love? How are you feeling?" Billie asked while stepping into the bedroom with yet another plushy.
"I have a pulsing headache.." Demi whined, holding her head.
"I know. I'm so sorry mama. I should have never left you alone." Billie said, her voice sounding soft and sincere.
Billie set the new bear on the bed with the rest of the plushies and sat beside Demi, carefully scooping her up and pulling her toward her chest.
Later in the day the two were just spending time together in the library when Finneas came home.
He rushed down to the library in a panic, relieved to find the girls.
"Bil there's a woman outside. She's looking for you." He breathed.
"The fuck? Tell the her to go suck a dick. I'm off for the week." Billie lowly grumbled while setting her book down.
"But she's not one of your people. She's pissed at you and want you dead." Finneas said while taking Demi by the hand, taking her up to the bathroom while Billie loaded her gun.
"Billie. Please be careful. I love you." Demi said while walking up to Billie, peering into her eyes.
Billie landed a small kiss on her girlfriend's lips and gave her a gentle smile while pushing her hair out of the way.
"I love you too dem. Stay with Finneas." She said, stepping past the younger woman.
Demi watched her girlfriend walk out of the room.
She very swiftly made her way to the window, peaking out between the black curtains.
She watched Billie step out of the front door and walk toward the large metal gate.
And then she started confronting the girl. The girl who looked oddly familiar to Demi.
It was the girl from the party.
"Demi you shouldn't be watching." Finneas said, grabbing Demi by her wrist, gently pulling her away from the window just as a gunshot echoed through the empty street.
Demi jumped, making Finneas drop her wrist from his gentle grip.
She raced to the window, watching the boss stand over the brunettes body.
He nodded at Billie tossed the body into his truck, watching Billie walk into the house.
Demi ran, meeting her at the front door.
"I told you I'd be careful. I'm gonna go shower. Figure out what you want for dinner." Billie said, kissing Demi on the cheek.
Demi went into the kitchen and opened the cabinet, peering at the things inside, hoping an idea would come to her.
"Hey." Finneas said while walking in.
"Hi." She lowly responded.
"What are you doing?" He asked while pouring himself some soda into a glass cup.
"Bil told me to figure out dinner while she Showers. I was leaning toward tomato garlic and spinach pasta."
"I haven't tried that. Sounds delicious though." Finneas said, setting his cup down on the table while reaching into the cabinet, grabbing two boxes of different pasta noodles.
"Tortellini or fettuccine?" He asked, holding both boxes out to Demi.
"Definitely tortellini. Those are Billie's favorite type of noodles."
About an hour later dinner was done and Demi was Plating the food and taking it to the table.
Finally Billie came down.
She was wearing a pair of loose shorts with a large, black tshirt.
She smiled when she saw Demi placing plates on the table.
"Hi Billie." Demi said in a high tone of voice.
"Hi baby. What's all this?" Billie asked as she pulled Demi closer, kissing her cheek.
"Tomato garlic and spinach tortellini. I hope you like it."

After dinner Finneas left to go back to his girlfriends house, where he's been staying all this time.
And Billie was cleaning up, dumping the left overs into a bowl to store in the fridge.
And Demi was outside, watching the dog.
"Hey mama." Billie said while walking up behind Demi, wrapping her arms around her waist and kissing her cheek.
"Hi baby. Shark is looking a little lonely. Can we get him a friend?" Demi asked while throwing the ball to the grey dog.
"I'll think about it ma. You need to come clean your stitches. Cmon shark." Billie said as she walked back into the house.
Demi and shark followed her up to the bathroom where Billie placed Demi on the counter and grabbed the ointment and damp cloth.
She gently wiped the wound and dabbed some antibiotic cream on it, covering it with a bandage and finishing with a kiss on Demi's lips.

I can't be you; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now