Twenty seven

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"Mama. Come on out to the backyard. The surprise is here." Billie shouted from the bottom of the stairs.
She heard Demi's feet patter down the stairs
In a hurry, her little squeals of excitement is what made Billie chuckle.
Billie led her out to the back patio and sitting there were two large, scary looking dogs.
"This is onyx and cujo. These are you guard dogs and they're specially trained to kill anyone who approaches you in the wrong way." Billie said and Demi looked over at her with wide eyes.
"They have a command. But it's in German."
Demi sighed in relief and approached the dogs slowly.
"Go on. They aren't gonna hurt you." Billie
The dogs immediately stood at attention for Demi. It's like they knew exactly who she was and what their job is.
Many days passed and Demi was warming up to the two killing machines.
Her wound even healed more and more in those few days.
Billie walked in from a mission to find Demi asleep on the couch with the two dogs alert beside her while shark curled up to her side.
"Hier." Billie said with an accent, leading the dogs to the kitchen for feeding time.
"Come shark." She said, making the grey pitbull run to her.
Billie placed the three bowls on the ground and watched as they waited for the ok to begin eating.
"Gey. Go." She said in both languages, allowing the dogs to begin eating.
Demi walked in with a grumpy look on her face.
"Why so cranky baby?" Billie asked while hugging her girlfriend
"Too tired." Demi sleepily groaned.
"I know. You'll be able to sleep later. Go get dressed for tonight." Billie said, rubbing her girlfriends back gently.
Demi nodded and walked away, leaving Billie in the kitchen with the dogs.
"Wait. Where are we going? How should I dress?"
"Cute but comfy. I'm taking you to meet someone extremely important to me. She's an angel." Billie said with a great smile.
Little did Demi know what was gonna happen tonight.
Billie led the dogs into the large crates and locked them up and then she grabbed the small gift bag with the tag reading Aria.
That's who Billie was taking Demi to meet for the very first time.
Demi came running down the stairs, all ready to go. She was excited to see who Billie was taking her to meet.
"Cmon. Don't wanna be late. She's super excited to meet you." Billie said while grabbing the keys from the counter.
They both walked out the door and got into the car, noticing a black car parked on the street.
"Wonder who that fuckface is. I'll be back. Lick the doors." Billie got out of the car, listening for the click of the button when Demi locked the car door.
Once billie got inside she released cujo and onyx from the cage, letting them roam the house.
"Pass auf." Billie said in a low tone.
And then it was time to take Demi to meet the special mystery person.
They drove on the highway for what seemed like a whole hour, but to Billie it was 20 minutes.
As soon as they arrived a little girl was waiting in the window, she couldn't be much older than 2. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Billie Billie Billie!!" She shrieked loudly.
"This is who we're meeting Ma. That's Aria. This is for her, you can give it to her." Billie grabbed Demi's hand, placing the gift bag into her palms.
"Cmon. Let's not waste time now. It's almost her bedtime."
As soon as they got inside Billie was flooded with screams and hugs from the toddler.
"Aria baby. This is Demi. She got you a surprise." Billie said, kneeling down to the toddlers level.
Demi sat on the floor with the toddler and handed her the bag.
"Wow!" The child squealed while hugging Demi and Billie.
"Cmon aria. Bedtime baby." Arias mom said from the doorway.
"Say goodnight." She added.
"Night night." The little girl waved.
"Night night." Demi and Billie said in sync.
"Hey I left my phone in the car, do you mind grabbing it mama? Please and thank you honey." Billie grinned after placing a kiss on her girlfriend's head.
Demi just nodded and went out to the car, noticing the same black car that was parked in front of their house not too long ago.
She snatched Billie's phone off of the driver seat and bolted into the house, concerned Billie jumped up.
"What? Why are you scared?" Billie asked while looking over her shoulder.
"That car followed us from home." Demi whispered making Billie look out the window.
"Go take Aria to the basement please." Billie said, pulling the gun from her waistband and creeping toward the door.
"Melissa... now." Billie whispered as she watched Demi run out of the nursery with a sleeping girl in her arms.

I can't be you; Billie eilishWhere stories live. Discover now