Chapter 7

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Nabis pov

I slowly opened my eyes, and felt how my head was hurting like hell.

I looked around, and noticed that i was in a unfamiliar place...

was i in a Hospital? No I wasn't...
It looked too wired to be an hospital, because here were just three beds and nothing more.

I panicked and was trying to stand up, but I was too weak...

While checking the room out, I noticed that there was someone resting his head, on the bed I was laying on.

It was a male, I couldn't see who he was, but after seconds I immediately knew it.

I could recognize him everywhere...


He was asleep, still in his golden Stage outfit.

He was sweating a lot and his makeup was smeared.

While I was looking at him, I heard how the door opened.
I looked at the doors deracination and saw jungwon .

„You're awake?"

He said and looked at me.
I didn't said anything and just sat there quietly.

Jungwon came closer and Jake woke up.
He looked at me, with no face expression.

He stood up and just walked off.

I didn't took my eyes of him and looked him leaving me and jungwon alone.

„Look I don't know who you are, but Jake didn't wanted to leave since you passed out. Doing the short brakes, he always went backstage and looked after you."

I looked at jungwon, who was looking at me with a kinda annoying expression.

I felt bad, so bad... everything was my fault, so I thought, I should leave soon as possible.

I tried to stand up, when jungwon stopped me.

„You can't go, you need to stay here."

„W-what ? No I want to leave"

„I said you can't."

„Jungwon please... I messed today everything up."

„Yes you did, but you need to stay here, since this is the first time we kept a fan on our backstage nurse room, what actually belongs too us, when there's a accident with our members or staff."

„Huh? What do you mean? Why am I here then?"

„Well I actually don't know. The staff brought you here... and our manager told us since we don't know you and also don't know if you gonna share our personal infos around, you need too stay with us."

„Jungwon what are you talking about? I don't want to stay here!"

I said and walked to the exit door, but there was one problem I couldn't leave the room, because someone blocked my way.

„can't you listen? Jungwon just explained you why you need too stay here! You can't go"


„I know my name, don't need to tell me"

Hee don't be harsh to her"

„Yeah jay is right, she's still our fan"

I looked at these three males, who were standing in front of me.

It was Heeseung, jay and sunghoon.

„such a silly girl, she doesn't even listen after she messed up our whole performance and wants too go without even apologizing?"

Heeseung said and looked at me. He was right, I just wanted to leave without apologizing? Such a silly person...

„I-I'm sorry..."

I Said and bowed, when another person spoke.

„It already happend, your apology won't help at all"

He said and walked away, with his phone in his hands.

After seeing this person I was kinda in shook too see him behaving like this.

It was sunoo...

I was sad and felt bad for them, I really wanted to leave now, but I couldn't.

There were 3 members standing in front of me 2 behind me and there was someone sitting in the corner looking at me a bit worried.

Since Heeseung, sunghoon and jay were standing in front of me and sunoo, jungwon behind me there was just two persons left Jake and


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