Chapter 18

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But he just looked at me with his angry eyes and said.

Wanna know how good I can drive?"


„Jake w-hat„

Before I could even finish my sentence, Jake drove very fast and made me lean harshly back.


I said and looked at him, but he was just focusing on the road.



he screamed at me and drove even faster.

Jake never ever screamed at me, so I was scared.
I knew if I don't shut up now, he would really make an accident.


As we arrived at a unknown place Jake harshly opened my door and took my hand.

He took me into a small house with no neighbors around.

„Jake what are you doing leave my hand you're hurting me??!"

But he still didn't say anything and just walked up the stairs, taking me into the bedroom.


And then he finally let go of my hand.

He turned around and faced me. I saw his red angry eyes looking at me.

He harsh grabbed his hair and turned around, after seeing my bruises, on my whole upper body.

„fuck, fuck, fuck"

He said and looked at me again.

„Nabi, do you know what could happen if I didn't find you in time?!!"

He asked me but I just looked down.

„Nabi, I'm talking to you! answer me!"

He said and i just shook my head trying to avoid the thoughts, I just became..

He's right what would happen if he didn't find me in time?

Would I be able to stand here?

„Are you not going to answer me?"

He said and came closer

„I-it's all because of you, jake!!"
I said and Jake stoped


„yes you! Wouldn't you play with me like that the whole time, I wouldn't even ran away!"

I said and started to cry

„Me? Playing with you? Nabi what are you talking about!"

„You're always playing with me! I know that you still know, that I love you Jake!! Don't play with my feelings like that! You always give me mixed signals and I take them seriously! I really though you also loved me..."

„nabi are you serious??? Don't be so silly?! Who in the world said, I'm playing with you huh?"

He said and walked even closer

„s-stop right t-there j-Jake"

„Why? Scared?"

He said and I walked back, but he walked closer till my back hit the wall.

He was so close that I could feel his breath all over my face and neck.

„does they hurt?"

I looked at Jake confused, who was looking at my bare shoulders full of bruises.

But I still didn't answered him.

„nabi look at me"

But still didn't, I don't know why but I was just scared.

„Nabi, please"

He hold my chin and made me look up.

I looked at him with teary eyes and harshly slammed his hand away

But he just looked angry and chuckled

„Do you know how bad I'm controlling myself right now? Someone touched something that belongs to me."

„what are you talking about? I-i don't belong to you!!!"

„There should be my Hickeys and not his"

He said and touched my bare shoulders.

I hissed in pain and Jake looked at me even more with anger but still in pain at the same time.

He wanted to kill this person so bad who did this, but seeing you in pain was killing him.

„j-Jake, it hurts..."

„nabi, do you trust me?"

I looked at him in confusion and didn't knew what to answer him, do I trust him? Do I trust my bestfriend? Or do I trust the person who hurt me?

„I don't know, Jake... I don't want to get played with again."

„nabi, forget the past and tell me, do you trust me? Do you trust me if I tell you that I love you more then anything and could make your pain disappear?"

„w-what are you talking about j-Jake?"

„you did not answer my question, my love."

„Jake I-i don't know..."

„What does you're heart say?"

„Y-yes but my head says n-no"

„We always listen to our hearts right? So do you trust me nabi?"


I looked in his eyes, while he was looking at mine. I saw tears forming in his eyes and felt how my heart started to run fast. It was a moment full of passion, anger and love...

But this stare didn't hold long after Jake immediately smashed his lips on mine.

It wasn't a aggressive kiss, it was full of love and hope.

He touched my neck and slowly touched my shoulders where my bruises were

I again hissed him pain but Jake stared to kiss my neck.

It felt so good, but my thoughts destroyed everything.

„J-Jake s-stop"

But he didn't listen to me and started to pick me up, walking to the bed.

He gently placed me on the bed and crawled over me

Then he stared again to kiss me, he slowly went down again, till my bare shoulders.

It felt so good that i really wanted to moan but I held it back

Jake smirked, because he immediately knew what I was trying to do and stared to leave wet kisses all over my shoulders.

„Don't hold it back, my love"

He said ,and smirked at me.

So I couldn't stop myself and started to leave some quiet moans.

Jake really did tried to control himself, but he couldn't hold it any longer.

„my love, may I?"

MY ONLY LOVE  [제이크 enhypen ff] Where stories live. Discover now