Chapter 12

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I got out off my room and Walked to the living room, hoping to find sunghoon or jay somewhere since, i felt the most comfortable with these two.

I had no clothes so I needed to ask someone if they could give me some, because i was still in my concert outfit and had nothing with me... well who knew that I'm gonna end HERE.

When I walked into the living room, i saw that their TV was on.

I hid behind the wall and tried too see which member was still awake, but for my bad luck, this person already noticed me before.

„Come out nabi, i already saw you"

I came out of my „hiding place" to see Jake sitting on the couch watching TV at 1am...

„Why are you still up?"

He asked me, but I was too nervous to answer him.

„I asked you something nabi"

„I-i uhm i- need"

Jake stood up and walked to my direction.

„Why are you still in your Concert outfit?"

He asked me again, but i just looked down, because i didn't knew how to ask him, that I needed some clothes...

And this is actually pretty wired, because I literally told Jake everything, like everything everything, he knew when It was time of the month or what I did yesterday at home, he literally knew everything.

„why are you not answering me hmm"

He said and lifted my chin up. What made me look at him.

Now I saw his eyes again, his beautiful eyes... i couldn't describe the feeling I just got...
but I can tell, I felt 100x more times for him.

Then he checked me out and knew what my problems were, because of my behavior.

„You need clothes am i right?"

I just responded with a node.

„Nabi you have a moth, use this pretty thing, and answer me."

He said with his strict dominant voice.

Not gonna lie it gave me chills all over my body.

„so do you need clothes?"


I Said and he took his hand off my chin, then he just walked away.

I looked at him and hold my chest. It felt like my heart it's gonna jump out in any second.

After some minutes he came back with a black shirt and pants.

„Here these are mine, you can wear them"

He said and handed me his clothes.

„Also you can shower now. All members are asleep, i know you didn't went once to the bathroom, because you were to embarrassed"

He was right... I didn't came out once... I just was too embarrassed, but how did he knew that?

„Nabi I know you well, and now go change"

He said and sat down, continued watching TV.

I walked to the bathroom and went straight showering.

„Wait what did just happened?! Is he able to read my mind??? How does he always answers my questions that I didn't even spoke out loud??!!"

I said to myself while hot waterdrops felt, on my naked skin.

„Did he really just hold my chin?! Waaa I think he really did? I'm not dreaming right?"

I said and gave myself a slap .

„everything was real??? Omg! Wait I need to go out of here."

I said and turned off the water.
Who knows how long I've been in here...

I dried my body, wore the clothes Jake gave me and walked out.

The living room was dark and the TV off, so I thought Jake already went to sleep.

And His clothes were HUGE on my body, like very huge. I could wear his shirt as a dress...

While I was admiring myself I felt my back on a cold wall.

Looking good in my clothes my love"

I looked at this person in shock and who would this person be? jake of course.



„I think I forgot how beautiful you actually are my love"

He said and touched my face.

„I missed seeing this face in real life..."

I was lost in his eyes... I couldn't move and just frosted on my spot.

„turned already red? I didn't even do anything yet"

He said and smirked at me, after seeing my ketchup red face.

„Now be a good girl and go to sleep hmm"

He said and came near my face

„And dream about me"

He whispered in my ear and I felt his hot breath all over my neck, what made my knees shake.

Then he distanced himself and looked at me for one last time.
He chuckled and went to his room, leaving me alone in the dark living room...

I still was on my spot and tried to realize what just happened...

After that I ran to my room and covered myself under the blankets.

Then after some delusional thoughts and planning a whole future with Jake, I finally felt asleep.

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