Chapter 17

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„Fuck where am I?"

I said after noticing that I was really far away from their apartment.

I didn't knew where I was...
but it looked like a side street.

It was so dark here, just with some dimmed lights, and looked so scared...

But then I felt, how someone was following me.
I walked faster, hoping that he wasn't actually following me, but I was wrong....

He walked fast as I did, what ended up running.

„Fuck!! What should I do now!!"

I said, being in panic. I tried to run fast as I could, but for my bad luck, I was to slow...

This unknown person, grabbed my hair and 
Smashed my back against this cold wall.

„Such a beautiful young lady, alone at this hour? How it comes?"

This unknown person said to me, while coming very close.


„why? You also want it? What other reason could you then have to be out at this hour? Hmm"

He said and I felt his drunk breath on my skin.

„I-i said leave me alone!!"

„I will, but after I had my fun."

He grabbed my shirt and tried to undress me.

I stared to scream and cried so hard.


He said and covered my mouth so I couldn't scream anymore.

I tried to punch him, but I couldn't, I was to weak.

My only thought at this moment was „Jake pls help me, I need you"

But would he ever come? Would he ever help me? Would he ever care...

I was deep in my thoughts when I heard a scream coming from the opposite direction.


and i immediately knew who he was

He ran to this unknown guy and pushed him away, and began to punch him hard


I said and Jake gave me his whole attention.

He leaved this in blood covered man on the cold ground and walked to me.

Jake looked at me with this worried but still very mad, expression.

He put his jacket on my bare shoulders and took harshly my hands.

I was still very traumatized what just happened but seeing Jake like this just made me forget everything what happened.

Jake took jays car keys and throw me gently in his car.

He closed the door and sat into the driver seat.

„j-Jake y-you don't have a driver license-„

I said to him. I knew Jake don't have a driver licenses, since Niki told me something about that. The only one who has one, is jay and heeseung.

But he just looked at me with his angry eyes and said

„wanna know how good I can drive?"

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