Chapter 11

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Wow i could never imagine that I'm gonna share A FUCKING APARTMENT WITH ENHYPEN!

Like I mean, it's enhypen?!!! One of the biggest groups these days! Also known as

Future of kpop!

Ahhhh why am I not feeling happy? I mean I'm one out of 10millions engenes who have the chance to stay with enhypen!?

Maybe I should just enjoy the time here!

„What's wrong with her?"

„I don't know sunghoon"

„does she need help?"

„No jungwon she's just thinking about something again what probably made her proud"

All members looked at Jake with a „O" face ignoring the weird nabi who was just sitting in front of them smiling and embracing herself.

„wow Jake she's just like you..."

„Huh? Sunoo what do you mea-„

„Crazy ass fuck-„ Sunoo endet his sentence


Jake screamed and made nabi coming back to reality.

„Aaaa!! Tf who just screamed"

Nabi said and all 6 pointed at Jake, like little kids.

„Waaaa and I call y'all my family? Wow"

„Sarry Jake hyung"

„As you should Niki! I thought at least you wouldn't betrayed me"

Jake said with a pout on his face.

And he was sooooo cute omg I think I'm gonna cry!!!

„Oooo did our ikeu just pout?"

Heeseung said too Jake with his annoying voice, mocking Jake.

„You call that a pout?? Oh hell nah a pout goes like that"

Sunoo said and showed Jake how a real pout goes, because y'all know sunoo is the master of agyeo.

„o no here it goes again..."

Sunghoon said and hid his face in his hands.

„Y'all shut up and eat your food!"

Jay said and all members shut their mouths immediately.


„y'aLl sHut Up and eAt yoUr fOods"

Niki said imitated jay.


„okey Sorry mom"

„better for your face!"

I looked at the members and just laughed at them.

„Why are you laughing nabi? You think it's funny?!"

Jay said, and gave nabi his angry bird look.

„No no no ist not like it's just-„

„It's just what?!"

Jay said

„It's just y'all are literally the same in real life, and on screen"

I said and laughed so hard at them, almost falling from the dinner table.

„Jake hyung, was she really your bestfriend? She's weird.."

Niki whispered to Jake so no one could hear them.


Jake said and continued eating his food with a smile on his face.

„So uhm where will nabi sleep?"

Sunghoon asked.

We were all sitting on the floor except Heeseung who was sitting on their withe couches.

„Well how about she sleeps on our couch, it's comfortable"

„No Heeseung hyung! She's our guest she should sleep in one of our rooms"

Jungwon said to Heeseung.


„Yes how about she's sleeps in Niki's room?" Jungwon said

„With me?" Niki asked, with a smirk on his face

„Jup, since you're the youngest there no proble-„


The members looked at jake who was also surprised of his own reaction.

„i-i mean she's still a g-girl, she needs her privacy!"

„Yes Jake is right, she's still a girl we can't let her sleep with a boy"

Jay said.

„Yes especially with niki. Who knows he might come to her and wants to sleep with her, because he's to scared or can't sleep"


„yeah yeah keep dreaming"


And with that you saw Niki and sunoo pulling each other's hair.

„Yeah don't mind them, they're always like that. So uhm i would say Niki is moving to jake and sunghoons room so she can have a room for herself"

„Wowww jay hyung is smart"

„Thanks jungwon"

Jay said to jungwon with a proud voice.


„okey i will shut up Heeseung hyung"


„Okey nabi your room is right here, and the bathroom in front of your room"

Jay said.

„And if you need something-„

„Don't ask us we need to rest" Heeseung cut Jay off


„Sorry not. Well I'm gonna go sleep now bye y'all"

„Good night hyung!"

The manknaes said too Heeseung who disappeared in his room.

„well you should also go to sleep now nabi. We all had a hard day like you, so go and rest."

„Thanks sunghoon. Good night"

I said and bowed before leaving, the living room.

„Wow such a carotic day..."

I said to myself and closed the door behind me.

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