Chapter Thirteen

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Emily stepped back; she did not expect her old charge to show herself. Especially since the woman dumped her and sold her soul straight to a demon. And not just any demon, her own brother stole her charge away from her. No matter how many times she wanted to help, Jennifer never wanted her help in the first place.

"Oh, you remember me?" Jennifer smirked; her eyes were as dark as the night. "Guess I'm not much of a hard face to forget,"

Eight years ago, Emily was sent down to earth. She'd been a cherub for most of the time and learning as much as she could about her father's children. From the animals to the humans, everything was beautiful in her eyes. Emily remembered things from her past however, which made things all the harder to get used to it. Sure, her father had blocked part of that memory but what else could she do?

Thoughts about her constant possessions by the demons were always going through her mind but at least she could try and put that behind her as she was allowed into heaven because she had been suffering for seven straight years from constant torment. Emily grew excited when she found out she was going to go to earth and talk with her charge.

"How will I know father?" Emily asked her bright eyes shone under the light.

"My child, you will know when you come across her," the almighty one said.

Emily hesitated and looked down at the earth, all the humans who were busy going through their day and doing what they knew best. Humans looked so small from the heavens, and she wondered if angels were looking down at her when she was alive. Not that she knew much. But if her charge was down there then she was going to go and find out.

"Do not worry father, I will not let you down!" Emily exclaimed and with a woosh of feathers she flew down to middle earth.

She allowed her energy to lead her straight to her charge. Emily landed in a grassy area with a bench and concrete paths. A wooden swing sat not too far away, still she could not find her charge, but her energy told her that she was nearby. It was like a humming that echoed in her mind.

Emily took a few steps forward, solidified and followed the humming. However, she hadn't been looking as she accidentally ran into a woman with short black and purple hair. She'd been dressed in sweatpants and a tank top. Her wrists were wrapped up in what looked like black boxing gloves.

"Can you watch where you're going?" the woman exclaimed.

Emily paused and looked at the woman, curiousness filled her eyes as she tilted her head.

"Are you Jennifer Bryant?" Emily asked politely.

"Who wants to know?" Jennifer narrowed her eyes.

"My name is Emily Rose," Emily held out her hand. "It's very nice to meet you,"

Emily got pulled from her thoughts when she her senses hit, and she turned and cracked her whip nearly hitting Adam in the face. Adam groaned and stepped back.

"You angel bitch!" Adam exclaimed and pounced at her, but Emily was one step ahead and she moved out of the way at lightning speed. She flicked her whip and it solidified and turned into a sharpened Katana. With a swing of her weapon, she struck Adam in the arm. Adam cried out and fell onto the ground.

"You know, maybe you should have thought this through," Emily said. "Because clearly you failed miserably at attacking me."

"That's what you think," Jennifer said.

As Emily got ready to attack, suddenly, she felt the cold chill of chains wrap around her chest. Emily tried to break free, but the chains became hot, and her weapon vanished. With a painful cry, Emily fought more to break loose however, Jennifer tightened her grip.

"Sleep tight little angel," Jennifer whispered into her ear.

Emily's vision grew dark until she could not see anything.


Abigail stayed hidden behind a tree, after her angel had left, she wanted to figure out what was going on, so the minute Emily wandered off Abigail followed. She hadn't quite thought all of it through until she saw Jennifer and Adam attack her angel. Abigail panicked, she wanted to jump in and save Emily but the last time she tried that, she almost ended up dead. Now she knew why her angel felt off.

Abigail watched helplessly as her beautiful guardian angel was dragged to a large car and stuffed into the trunk. The two servants took off leaving Abigail behind. Finally safe, Abigail got out from the tree and raced back to the cabin. His stomach lurched; her legs were screaming. It told her to stop running. But Abigail couldn't. Not while her angel was in danger.

Abigail arrived at the cabin and ran inside; out of breath she sat down as Althea came into the living room.

"What happened?" Althea asked.

"I need water," Abigail said. "Now!"

Althea didn't wait another minute as she ran to the kitchen and poured a cup of water. She came back and handed it to Abigail. Abigail politely took the glass and took one huge gulp.

"Okay, tell me what happened,"

"Well, something was wrong with Emily," Abigail started. "She said that something had been off then walked out of the cabin," she continued. "I was worried for her safety, so I had to find out. I came across her in the middle of the forest, but out of nowhere, Jennifer and Adam appeared."

"What did they do?" Althea questioned.

"They attacked her, she fought back with this whip, but it turned into a katana," Abigail explained. "Next thing I knew, chains were placed on her and I didn't know what to do, they dragged her away into this car."

"Anything else?"

Abigail gulped.

"It seemed like Emily knew her," Abigail said. "Wait where are Ezra and Peter?"


Ezra and Peter had left the forest and were making their way in search of the Servants when a sudden feeling overtook Ezra. He'd been through so much but one thing that he was worried about wasn't just about his charge, but it also involved his sister, Emily. She hadn't been down on earth for that long in fact, she was just learning how to fight the last time he'd seen her. But that feeling, it was more human, more of a chance that something was starting to go wrong with him. He'd stayed on earth for a long time, and now here he was having to hide the thought of becoming human.

It started out as something small, sometimes his wings would flicker in and out, other times he'd be able to touch and taste things that angels can't even taste or feel. He still exhibited some of his powers but that never turned out well, he'd been getting weaker by the minute. Not to mention he didn't know how to tell Althea what was happening.

"Ezra?" Peter said snapping him from his thoughts.

"What?" Ezra said. "Did you say something?"

"Yes, I did," Peter responded. "You've been quite a lot lately and I want to understand why,"

"That is not your concern," Ezra answered summoning his angel blade and keeping it right by his side. "Something doesn't sit right,"

"What are you talking about?"

"It's Emily, something happened," Ezra answered.

The two looked at each other as Ezra and Peter took off panic flooding his system.

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