Chapter Two

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Emily stayed hidden from her brother, despite Ezra finding her. Emily's long hazel-blonde hair flowed just over her shoulders. She'd been a new angel that was for sure. She always admired her older brothers, especially Ezra, whom she saw as a role model. Even though Abigail wasn't his charge, he still did everything in his power to protect Abigail. Althea knew very little about herself but she did know that when a new baby is born, so does the angel. They started out as a cherub and grew as much and as fast as her own charge. She hadn't even known who her charge was until recently considering there were rumors about demons coming out from hell to wreak havoc on all of humanity. She was in the heavens at the time learning how to fight. She loved all the weapons from a bow and arrow to a special type of dagger built by other angels.

Emily's favorite weapon of choice was the bow staff. She'd always found the staff fascinating and fun to work with. While it wouldn't kill her victims at least she could knock them out. The staff was long and made from the wood of the first tree in the whole universe. Her father had created it when he first made life on earth. The day she was finally assigned to go to earth and protect her charge was the same day she'd completed her training.

Emily had been walking through the different heavenly fields from different souls that have passed on. She'd been so busy thinking and wondering who her charge was going to be and how she was going to get the mortal's attention. Emily wore a leather jacket with blue skinny jeans and a white t-shirt. She wore combat boots that nearly reached her knees and her green wings ruffled with excitement. Emily approached large golden gates allowing for the doors to slide open. She stepped through the gates and entered a large church with seven of her older siblings and her father sitting around a table. Michael sat to the right of their father dressed in a long green cape with sleeves that hung over his shoulders. A leather skirt wrapped around his waist and his sword was leaning against the table. Michael's dark blue wings were folded back in a calm manner. Others around him, she could see Gabriel and Raphael, two of her older siblings that she always admired. Gabriel wore a navy-blue robe with touches of gold over his chest as well as on his wings with small touches of silver feathers. She looked over at her other brother, Raphael, wearing a white robe with touches of red ribbon spread over his chest. He wore a red cape, and his wings were beautiful with red, gold and yellow. Raphael's large sword also sat by the table as the rest of the angels talked about the return of their fallen brother.

They hadn't seen Emily come in until the large chapel doors slammed closed echoing throughout the entirety of the scene. All eyes turned toward her as they broke from their conversation.

"Emily, glad you could join us, please come in," Her father said, urging her forward. "We have been waiting for you, my child."

"You wanted to see me father?" Emily asked. Bowing respectfully. Raphael and her father locked eyes with each other as Raphael answered rather than her father.

"Sister, why do you believe we have called you in here?" Raphael asked, his voice thick as butter.

"I am unsure," Emily responded. "But does it have something to do with the demon that has escaped from eternal damnation?" Raphael moved uneasily in his seat. Michael responded with his voice deep and calming.

"Yes, we need you to go down to heaven and keep track of your charge," Michael answered. "While our brother has everything under control, we believe that he must focus on Althea, you've trained long enough to handle this," Michael continued. "So once this meeting is all over, then you must get to work and head to middle earth to protect Abigail."

Emily snapped out of her thoughts when she suddenly had a sense that there was something more to it than she believed. Sure, her brother was able to handle the demons, but she couldn't push away the feeling she had. Emily poked her head from behind the bush and saw that Ezra and his charge as well as hers had walked off. If angels could get nervous, she would. She followed them until they arrived at the large football field when the ground began to shake violently.


Mammon and the Servants of Evil were summoning the hellhounds from hell. The ground shook causing everyone including the Servants to fall over. The ground broke in half and opened up to the eternal damnation. Angry dogs appeared from the ground unseething from the earth. These large black dogs growled, nasty drool coming down from the corners of its mouth and its demonic red eyes were enough to instill terror into anyone who came across it. Unlike Adam, who had been calm and today wore his ritual clothing along with a long black cape. The dogs were ready to attack Adam, but Mammon held out his hand and stopped the dogs in their tracks.

"Halt!" Mammon ordered. "You do not attack them!" The dogs immediately stopped growling and turned toward Mammon. Mammon's eyes flared red causing the dogs to sit. "Good, right now I am ordering you to go to that campus and stop the graduation practice," he looked at the Servants. "You three better do the same! Distract them and we can kill as many people as we can, my brothers need innocent blood spilled and we can't do that without dropping a few bodies. Let's go!"

Mammon nodded at his servants and as a result they split up despite Mammon dragging the dogs with him. They needed to annihilate as many people as they could without causing the enemy to intervene. Mammon exits the forest and makes his way toward the football field, the dogs following his every move. However, by the time they got to the field he could tell that there was something different in the atmosphere. A new energy sent chills down his host's body and he couldn't figure it out. Until his eyes caught on a woman with Hazel-blonde hair and tan skin. Her green wings shone in the afternoon light. It didn't take long for the woman to sneak a glance at his location. He hid around the corner from the football building and was taken aback at the sight.

"That can't be," he said under his breath. "They let her come down to earth. I can't let her sound the alarm." Too late, the woman touched Abigail's shoulder causing her to look in his direction.


Abigail was trying to focus on the photographs when she felt a light touch on her shoulder. Confused, she glanced at her shoulder and when she saw nothing, she looked up and saw something hiding around the corner. The familiar strawberry blonde hair was hard to miss and the heaviness in the air made things worse. The figure hid around the corner and almost instant, Abigail knew something was wrong. She saw by the figure's feet two monstrous dogs that looked like black wolves. The animals seemed to stay where they were. She was unsure of how many there were and why the creatures were doing that. Her stomach dropped and she looked around the field hoping and praying that someone would notice when no one did. She stood ready to figure out the truth.

Stepping out from the shadows, she saw Mammon dressed in white and black. A mockery of everything that angels believed in. What are you doing here Mammon? Mammon's eyes had widened as he held out his hand at the same time the dogs were ready to pounce. 

Spiritus Animalis (Empath #2) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now