Growing Pains Pt. 1

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// ** STORY KEY**//

This is a Snape X reader FF, here are some pointers, ENJOY!

- "Y/N" = read the sentence with your own name

-"L/N"= your last name.

- e/c = your eye color

-h/l/c = your own hair length/color.

{anything else will be explained as you read.}



*music blares as a tabletop alarm clock sings*

"wow, it sure is getting chilly out". I mumbled to myself while closing my bedroom window. The summer was indeed coming to a close which meant it was almost time to go back to my home, my happy place, my school.

At the age of 16 going on 17, it was the 6th year of my Hogwarts career and I had learned much over time. I picked up my green scarf and threw it into my bag as I began to pack.
My mother came into my room to help me. She was a tall and slender woman who was fierce in her charms and cunning in her methods.

"She has always pushed me to be the best", I thought to myself.

"Dear, I think you will need new robes and everything really" my mother noted, "you are growing and filling out to be a beautiful young woman", she continued. I felt insecure all of a sudden. I was a tall and awkward girl, in my own eyes. I have y/l/c hair with e/c eyes. I was not as thin as my mother, I had thick thighs and a mature-looking body, my mother said it was beautiful and she envied me but I didn't believe her. Skinny girls always say that.

"okay", I replied to my mother in a monotone way.

I styled myself darkly and preferred to stay to myself when I could. I loved alternative muggle fashions. I must have mostly taken after my father's side of the family. Although being a witch allowed me to run a little wild with my looks and I have to admit, I loved that.

"Are you ready, dear?"
my father said as he rounded the corner to my room.
My father is a muggle so I found it hilarious that HE was the one asking me that. I guess it was time to sneak him into Diagon Alley to accompany us for my bits and bobs.

"This should be fun". I thought.


After getting back from the shops, I was standing by my trunk packing my brand-new uniforms. I rubbed my hand across the Snake symbol on my cloak. I wondered who I would become over the next year. I wondered if I would improve my potion-making skills. I started gazing at my clothing that had gone from juniors to women's sizing over a single summer. It was not a good feeling, I felt like an overgrown idiot.

But I would soon learn that was not what the boys thought.

"Can't a Slytherin just be a hero? Can't I be selfless and well...GOOD?" I thought, silently.

But we as a house always had to have a complicated backstory, go dark side or die tragically. A memory popped into my brain of my sorting ceremony..."SLYTHERIN !" shrieked the shorting hat before it even had a chance to encompass my head properly.
"just like Draco". I thought as I  rolled my eyes.
My mom was a Slytherin and she was a good person, she even helped lead the fight in the war against Grindelwald.
I went to grab my sheet music for choir, which I tended to be good at and didn't mind too much either.

I moved to sit on my twin-sized bed. I wanted to be seen as a good person, hence the power struggle I had with my nature. I wanted to be more than coldly neutral.

I began to read my class schedule and saw that I was to be a Slytherin prefect...."How curious" ...I said to myself.
My first class of the day was with Professor Snape. Perhaps I could ask him more about my new responsibilities on my first day.

I started to remember him more and more and how he taught me potions from the time I had been a first year. I looked forward to learning more from him this year in "Advanced Potions " I said reading aloud. He was stern and to the point, a large and dark man from what I remembered. He was alluring in a way that I never quite understood. After the debacle with the goblet last year, I was half surprised that Dumbledore hadn't caved and allowed the man his dream of becoming the defense against the dark arts teacher. Despite my surprising fondness for the man, I also remembered him being quite cold and unfeeling. He had especially taken his wrath out on the Potter boy who was a year below me and presumed to be "the chosen one". I found it silly that he was so petty to a student but that was just his way.
Professor Snape had never treated me too badly, I attributed that to the fact that I held back my jokes and wisecracks around him. This was hard considering I was an extremely unserious, smart-ass.

My black feathered owl cooed and handed me an envelope, "it seems a bit late in the day for this", I thought to myself  while peeling the parchment open.

"Dear Miss L/N, you may have noticed from your documentation that you are to be a prefect for underclassmen Slytherins, this is a role I have hand-chosen for you after reviewing your file and seeing  your diligence with potions. Please do not make me regret this opportunity.

Please arrive at my classroom at 8 am the day before classes start to receive your briefing and assume your role.
Yours truly, Severus Snape."

I felt Nervous.

Maybe this was just the thing I needed to figure myself out and shape myself into who I knew I could be. I worried for my future often because well there was really nothing special about me. I had no idea what world I belonged to or what my life after Hogwarts would ever be like. I was very good in school and always had good grades but lacked a focused passion for anything too specific. I lay down in my bed and allowed my thoughts to consume me. I thought up different versions of my future life.
I made myself very tired, it was hard work developing an identity.

I closed my eyes. For the next day, I would head to platform 9 & 3/4.

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