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3rd Person Snape

~~Later that same night~~

After a long day at the ministry of magic ,attempting to locate the Malfoys , there was no success. Surely Malfoy wouldn't hide in his own home and there were no leads.

Professor Snape and Professor Dumbledore walked through the halls of Hogwarts. Albus and Severus looked at each other hard for a second longer than usual.

"Do what must be done" Said Dumbledore, breaking the silence.

Severus Snape stood still for about 2 seconds and then peeled away from Dumbledore.

Snape performed his usual strut, making his way to Slytherin house.



You opened your eyes while looking out the window, there was a rattling at the door that had woken you up.

"what IS that" you said to yourself quietly.

stepping out of your sheets, you pulled on your satin, green robe.

"I'm sure its nothing " you said, sliding to the door of your room.

luckily you had no roommate that could have been woken up with you.

As you peeked out of the door you saw a familiar, dark man peering down at you with a flat affect.

"Professor ?!"

"Quiet!" Professor Snape said while he quickly jumped in your room, pushing you aside.

"At least buy me dinner, first" you said to the serious man as you smirked up to him.

"It disgusts me that you would insinuate such things, miss L/N" The professor snapped at you, but he did NOT seem disgusted at all. He did seem uncomfortable in some way.

"you ARE in my room" you said, winking to the older gentleman.

"y/n, if you make another suggestive comment I will be forced to give you a detention" He replied, he seemed to be hiding a slight smirk.

"is he enjoying this?" you thought to yourself. You figured that had to be your imagination.

"Okay, please forgive me" you said. "but why ARE you here professor?" you continued at him, respectfully.

" You are in danger, I must protect you" Professor Snape explained. " those boys, those RATS who harmed you, they are at large."

He stood an inch away from you now and you felt his breath. It smelled of whiskey.

His nose was hooked and he had crows feet at the sides of his beautiful , black eyes. You adored every piece of his style and found his face to be gorgeous and charming. He was masculine and wise but he appeared so tasteful and put together. His shoulder-length hair was black and fell to the sides of his jaw, perfectly laid and somehow looking like it may need a wash. Where many saw age lines, you saw evidence of laughing, crying, screaming and smiling. You saw evidence of living and you felt captivated.

You thought Professor Snape was very easy on the eyes but that was about the only thing he was easy with.

You wanted to lean into him so he would hold you, to comfort you but you knew that it would not be wise. You wanted to feel safe.


Professor Snape then grabbed you and apparated you with him, you had no idea where you were going.

*You looked around to see a house with a gray couch and book shelves lining the walls. The walls were dark grey with black trim and there was a black rose sitting on the coffee table as décor, you guessed.

Whilst staring at the room, you determined that the home must belong to Professor Snape.

You turned around to see him already rummaging through the cabinets

"This is my personal home, you will not be detected here" The professor said in a sterile manner.

"I will teach you as much as I can to protect yourself and you will give me an in depth conversation on Slytherin house. I know that as head-girl , there is much that you lack time to tell me in relation to Slytherin and its happenings." Professor Snape continued.

"Sure, Professor" you said in a seductive tone "we can "talk"." you said with finger quotes.

"WHY DID I SAY THAT" you thought silently. You were screaming internally at this point.

Professor Snape looked to you hatefully. "Miss l/n, I care for you as my head-girl but I cannot take part in inappropriate banter. You are in my home, please do not disrespect me"

"I am so sorry Professor Snape, I don't know why I try to joke with you in that way"

Snape snapped his head around to look into your eyes. "those words are NO joke I assure you, y/n" His stare contained a longing.

The two of you went on  after that like nothing happened, he taught you the Sectumsempra curse , properly. He had assumed that this spell was used on you in the prior attack by Draco.

He would shout at you sternly : "again!". By the end of the night, you wanted to collapse.

"You will be the best witch in your year" Professor Snape said. "in only one night of solid practice".

He was cold but that was actually a great compliment coming from him. You smiled at him, feeling good about yourself. This was his own spell , he did not know that you knew that and did not tell you as not to seek credit. You admired that and felt you were in the presence of greatness.


Professor Snape got you glass of water and towels for bathing and brought it to the spare room. He knocked but realizing that you were already asleep, left them on the nightstand. He gazed over you, wanting to touch your face but refraining. But even looking at you was enough to make him smile. "She is a brilliant witch" he whispered over you as you slept.


He would be up all night, finding anything he could, at Malfoy manor.

After walking downstairs to his office, he pulled out his quill and wrote a note for you to find the following morning.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now