I'll Teach You

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Y/N 3rd Person.

Y/N shot up in bed. Looking to the side she saw that the sky was dark through a tiny patch of window that was not covered by a black curtain. Y/N loved Professor Snape's style, she wished her room at home looked like that.

There was a large, black, king sized bed with black and grey bedding , it was simple and comforting. But there was a very royal undertone.There were pictures on the walls. They were not pictures from the wizard world. These looked like pictures from her home in the muggle world. There were black and white pictures sitting still of Professor Severus Snape and his mother. There was only one that also included a man which y/n assumed to be his father. The professor was a beautiful child y/n thought to herself. But he was missing the light of innocence that you see in most young children's eyes. That saddened y/n.

She furthered her inspection of the room, titling her head to see a mirrored ceiling which she thought was so cool and weird of the professor to have but y/n decided to think pure thoughts.

there was a stack of clean towels and a glass of water on the black night stand along with some beautiful looking, vintage vials.  There was a small fireplace in the room and on the black mantle there laid a note, y/n looked and saw it was a note explaining her professor's absence.

y/n began to read the note but before she could get halfway though there was a knock at the bedroom door. Straightening her pajamas out, she said "come in". Professor Snape walked in, he was disheveled and wet with sweat. She was relieved to see him and that he was safe.

"The boy is in custody of the ministry but you will remain here until we have more news from the ministry, it should be a few days, less than one week. "

y/n should have been pining for Hogwarts and her head-girl duties, but she scanned over her teacher with her eyes, attempting to conceal the fact that she was filled with relief to see him. Even dirty and exhausted, he enchanted her.

Professor Snape did not know this but it was not an inconvenience for y/n to be there. She wanted to explore his home and its mysteries, she wanted to learn more about the person that had been teaching her potions all these years. She needed to learn more and she was on the edge of her seat with curiosity.

"professor" y/n uttered.

Snape responded. "I know you must be wondering what my plans are for you being here in my home."

"I'm going to be teaching you how to use Legilimency." he paused. "Not many have been able to master the skill of invading the mind, Ms. L/N but from what I have seen and know about you. I have no concerns." Snape continued.

Y/N gulped. "Professor Snape, what happened to you? You look terrible" she blurted out and immediately regretted it.

"I'm sorry I just mean-" y/n started but was interrupted.

"I'm aware that I am not decent, you'll have to forgive me. I will return more suitable before your lessons."

at once the man was down the steps and y/n was left feeling terribly.

"This man saved me and went after my attacker by himself. And what do I say ? Oh yeah, Hi there thanks for saving my life and uh-- protecting my honor and all

but you look like shit haha! " y/n thought to herself.

There was a floor length mirror, y/n stood and stared at her body and face which looked puffy with sleep, still.

"he could have said something 10 times worse back to me about my appearance" she thought to herself.

Her clothes hit the floor as she changed into a snug black tank top and some grey sweat pants. y/n missed some of her more comfortable muggle clothing and was seizing the opportunity to wear them as much as possible. She was barefooted tip toeing on the wood floor in the candle lit room.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now