Growing pains pt.2

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"Y/N...... Y/N"

The next morning I sat up in bed hearing my mother call my name, "today is the day" I thought to myself. Staring at the mirror I undid the top 2 buttons of my shirt, I did not want to look stuffy. I smoothed my loose curls down and styled my h/l/c hair in a carefree yet feminine manner.

I looked at my clock and noticed that it was 5 am. I had a bit of time but it is a long process getting to school, so I'd better get a move on.

~ 3 hours later

After getting off the train, and out of the small boat, I grabbed my robes tight in the chilly weather. I stared up at the large castle in front of me while I walked towards it, I had to hurry so that I would not be late.

I saw the door, I really needed to set up my room the way I liked it but that could wait. I thought this while scurrying down the corridor and down into the dungeons. The paintings watched me.

I cleared my throat and took a deep breath, stepping into Professor Snape's large classroom. His shadow swallowed me whole as he stared down at me, his cloak enveloped me in awe. "You're late," he said, with an unimpressed expression.

"I do apologize but I thought this was the time I was to meet you," I said.

"I said 8 am, it is 8:03 am." He gave a very subtle grin to assert that he was proud of himself. "I suppose I will let it go, just this once."

I looked at him with crazed eyes. My eyes do tend to give my intentions away. "Is that so?....well thank you very much, sir, I'll keep this in mind". I smirked, not allowing him the satisfaction. "How dramatic." I thought. "either that or he just wants to fuck with me."

We stared into each other's eyes in an unspoken standoff. Each of us had our arms folded in protest.

"Very well, miss L/N.....shall we begin?"

"At your word" I replied.
It was so hard to show respect when I actually wanted to lay into him about his nit-picking.

I wanted to do something fun, crazy, or unexpected just to see his reaction but I decided I'd contain myself. He took himself way too seriously.

He began to intensely explain to me how important it was to have school prefects and how my role was essential.

He informed me that I'd spend much time reporting back to him and receiving any information I'd need. He stared down at me for a bit too long as I looked up from my desk to meet his gaze.

"There are certain privileges that a prefect has. There are corridors and secret passages throughout our beloved castle, just waiting for me to crack them open. With this new lack of supervision, what fun this year will be." I thought, daringly, to myself.

Professor Snape kept going on about mundane details such as: "on Saturdays and Sundays there are light duties."
I knew this
He knew this
And he knew that I already knew this. It was standard for any student position at Hogwarts.

I don't pretend to know peoples' reasoning for what they choose to do.
But I knew he wanted me to stay there as long as possible.
And I wanted to keep hearing his deep silken voice pour over each monotonous vowel that drifted out of his mouth.

He had always been so interesting when he spoke ,well about anything. He had brilliant input and opinions that kept me on the edge of my seat. Somehow even in a routine prefect training. Except this wasn't a routine prefect training.

Suddenly I was not annoyed at him at him all anymore.

He continued to list roles and responsibilities and it began to sound like a lot bigger of a responsibility than I had previously thought.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now