No Love Lost

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- TW - (sexually motivated violence)

** You turn to leave as it is approaching 8:30 pm**

*Before you reach the tower door, Draco bumps you. *

You and Draco laughed and then drifted off into silence while staring at each other awkwardly.

He wrestled you to the ground in the the Slytherin common area. He stared into your eyes with longing and you stared back into them, they were filled with sorrow and regret.

"I love you, I want to kiss you" said Draco.

"Draco, I can't. What we had was something..." you trailed off. " but I can't be that person for you anymore."

He kissed you and you kissed him back, he pressed up against you with his firmness and you began to melt in his hands.

Your turned on feeling quickly turned into rage as he put his hand under your skirt.

"STOP!". you shouted at him.

"I DON'T LOVE YOU, YOU DESTROYED ME. You threw me away the moment you thought you had something better, you said terrible things to me, about my blood and my body(this one really fucked with you). You broke my heart! And you think I 'm going to give you my pussy? My body? My mind? My heart? After you have so abused it?!

Oh my dear boy, you don't love me, you're just bored again."


* You stormed out of the room with tears streaming off your cheeks *

You knelt by the library door. You just wanted to be alone.

all of the sudden you started to feel funny. The conversation, the tea, the false sense of security your were just lulled into.

*you hit your head and fell to the ground and you could not move your body at all, you tried to speak and you couldn't even make a sound.*


**About 10 minutes pass and you see Draco walking towards you , your stomach drops as you try to move and fail. **

"Hello, my dark dove...I see you are ready to listen"

He smirked and threw you over his shoulder making you feel degraded and helpless. Terror washed through you and was written onto your face. You couldn't move at all and it felt like it is somehow getting worse.

Tears poured out of your face with no sounds leaving your body.

*You stare at the ground as he carries you to a part of the dungeon that seemed abandoned. There was a small dusty, dark room with nothing but a large teacher's desk. His friends, two other upper-class-men, Slytherin boys that you did not know the names of but you had seen him with before.*

"look what I've got" Said Draco .

* He holds you and caresses' your face in a suggestive manner, as you stare up in fear.*

"She just doesn't know what she needs, she needs....a lesson" he continued to his companions.

He laid you onto the desk and the boys took out their wands and started saying spell after spell, so many said at once that you couldn't remember them all. So many charms had been used on you that you honestly just wanted to die after that torture. You zoned out and tried your hardest to not listen at all.

Your brain started to raddle with a memory  of when you and Draco had your first kiss,  laughing in the forest on a picnic, until he leaned in at the perfect moment, you had felt loved in that time. You then started to remember the night in which the two of you had become one. Draco had taken you into a lush secluded cottage for the weekend with his family, everyone had gone outside together and you were alone with him. With love, care and ecstasy, he took you and you returned the favor.

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