Look Into My Mind.

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There was noise cascading from the kitchen and you woke from the spot on the sofa where you had attempted to wait for your teacher to wake up.

There was sizzling and bubbling and a savory aroma filled your senses, the sun rose beautifully by the sides of the dark curtains in the main room. The home was regal, having floor-length windows but it also had a cozy, homey feel. The floors were oak not marble, the mugs were chipped with time and somehow you had never felt more rich in your life.

You got up and walked into the kitchen to see the long-haired potions master setting the places at his 2 person dining table. He made you a plate with sausage, eggs, and toast. there was a plate of fruit between the two of your places. You wondered why he cooked that way and did not just magically conjure up a quick bite. He had caringly used his hands.

As the two of you ate your meal, without speaking, you began to feel spontaneous. Jumping up from the table, you grabbed your wand and charmed the small piano just beyond the kitchen in the main room.
The piano rang with the instrumental of Your Song by Elton John but you doubted that Severus knew of that muggle piece. You'd be proven wrong. Nevertheless, it was beautiful and one of your favorites.
You grabbed his hand and with some resistance, got him to his feet.

"Miss l/n-" Snape attempted to say but you interrupted.

"Dance with me, professor?"

He rolled his eyes and obliged with his hands by grabbing your waist, softly.

You sang along to him, looking up into his eyes as he continued to roll them in a sarcastic manner.

"🎶Or a man who makes potions in a traveling show
I know it's not much, but it's the best I can do
My gift is my song, and this one's for you🎶"

You giggled at the potions line after.

He dropped his act for a moment and stared back at you. You were so beautiful to him. He felt honored that you asked him for a dance, he felt honored to be the one whom you could serenade.

He used the fact that his guard was down for a moment as an excuse to hold you close. He held you tightly to him, tears began to fall from his eyes as he swayed your body with his, he danced with a skill you didn't expect. You had laid your head on his chest.

He casually sang along under the music in a way that he didn't think you'd pay attention to. And he knew the words perfectly.

"🎶I hope you don't mind that I put down in words
How wonderful life is while you're in the world🎶"

Hearing his deep voice surround you, you lifted your head and saw him tearfully crooning. He moved his stare to your pupils and softly held your chin as he continued to belt

"🎶Anyway, the thing is, what I really mean
Yours are the sweetest eyes I've ever seen🎶"


later that day during training with Snape

{Snape 3rd }

"Focus, y/n. You've achieved so much more than most wizards your age."

At this point, Severus had a bit of a challenge reading y/n's memories and thoughts. He was known to be a skilled mind reader and this was no secret. But with y/n he had not been able to get into her head very much at all, even when she was a first year.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now