Draco's father will be hearing about this

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Professor Snape , headmaster Dumbledore and the 3 boys all headed into Dumbledore's office.

There stood Lucius Malfoy, awaiting their arrival. He looked uncertain and like he was almost ....nervous.

Snape looked at Lucius and paused.

" Young Malfoy has tortured and attempted sexual assault on a girl student , these are his accomplices"
Snape aggressively barked towards Lucius.

Lucius looked forward to the 2 other authority figures "this is not Acceptable, I shall take the boys to the ministry at once."

He showed far less defense than Dumbledore and Snape anticipated.

Snape stared suspiciously and at once quickly wrapped his arms around all of them except for Dumbledore and apparated them to the ministry headquarters, to insure the boys got where they belonged.
Lucius had no chance to counter him and get the boys off of the hook.


Professor Snape, Lucius Malfoy, Draco Malfoy and his two friends all arrived at the ministry

The first thing that Snape noticed was a very weird hue to the lighting in the hall where they were standing, he took a mental note and continued on the the meeting place where Lucius's colleagues were to meet them. Or so Lucius said.

When Snape opened the door it immediately slammed him in while the remainder of the group stayed outside. He was utterly trapped and could not exit through spell after spell.

"think, Dammit!"

he shouted.
At least an hour had past by this time.


Severus saw a shadow slide past the door and he began to yell out to it

"IM TRAPPED ! IM TRAPPED". Even in an emergency he still somehow sounded aloof.

Arthur Weasley open the door, Dumbledore stood at his back right side.

"We've a bit to brief you on, Severus" Dumbledore calmly relayed.


The three wizards walked for 3 corridors worth of the building and tucked themselves into a medium sized room with a gleaming fireplace. There was a thick oak desk with a picture of the large Weasley family playing over and over again on the surface of the workspace.

"it's not much" said Arthur.

"nonsense" replied Dumbledore

Professor Snape was silent as he was still shaken up from his cursing.

"They have gone from here without a trace and Lucius Malfoy did not report the incident that occurred last night."

Arthur reported to this to Snape as Dumbledore looked on him, knowingly. This was not Arthur's department but he had interest in Hogwarts and he would do anything to fight the good fight and protect a young witch.

There was silence for about 3 minutes straight as they looked at each other while Severus processed the information.

"Albus, the girl is in danger." Severus looked at Dumbledore with a concerned face. "The Malfoys could make Y/N disappear with no problems" Severus continued, looking like he wanted to cry at this point.

Arthur looked at the dark man in a confused manner. "I never knew you cared so much for your students" he added.

Professor Dumbledore looked at Professor Snape in a kindly and informed manner.

"Of course I do, Mr. Weasley. Don't be ridiculous." Snape paused "She is also my head-girl for Slytherin house and I know her well." He continued.

Arthur Weasley look shocked but pleased to see that level of emotion come out of the normally nastily behaving man.


Y/N 3rd

Y/n sat in her dorm on her bed. She sobbed makeup down her cheeks. Nothing felt like it mattered . She had no roommate and even if she did, this isn't some problem that you casually bring up like quidditch or the weather. 

Y/n thought about sending an owl to her best friend, Aspen but she decided not to. There was nothing she could help with and she'd only be burdened .

The young girl had just built her confidence up and now all the progress seemed to be in the rear view mirror. Y/n excelled as a head-girl and felt like a natural leader. But how could she lead others if she couldn't even protect herself ?

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now