Wanna piss off your parents?

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Y/N 3rd.

Not much had gone on in the months leading up to y/n's birthday
She was excellent as head girl of Slytherin but the school was under a dark iron fist at the hands of Umbridge , a fist that had finally stomped out any rebellion. Y/n had joined in with the order of the Phoenix and their efforts, she was still firm in the belief that Slytherins were good.

The joy of being at her beloved school was no more, the place she loved most had finally been drained of its essence. There was no magic anywhere in sight. Concealing her unruly new found powers had been nearly impossible. The newly strict Hogwarts administration had kept her safe but it had also made it impossible for her to develop her powers into anything useful. Severus had served her a reality check on a silver platter and she had eaten crow in solitude.

Severus had prodded at length with y/n on her whereabouts for summer. She kept avoiding the question because she knew the implications of returning to the muggle world in this state.
After all, they needed to come up with a plan, together. She held him just as responsible as she held herself

They were walking at a furious pace to the forbidden forest.

"Where is the fire?" She wondered

As they arrived there was a scene of a tree stump with a terribly old, beautiful, muggle record player. There was a red rose lying on top of it. The two logs on either side had linens hanging over them for seating.

"What happened to being professional?"
Y/n chortled

"We have the rest of your schooling to be professional, tonight you're the queen of the forest."

Severus held his hand out to what he saw as divine royalty.

Y/n felt confused and delighted in the chaos of the moment. And like the naïve child that she was, she grabbed onto his invite.

Severus took y/n into his arms as a record spun on cue. A muggle classic, y/n was delighted to see that her professor was a fan of musical theatre.

You are sixteen going on seventeen

Fellows will fall in line

Eager young lads and roués and cads

Will offer you food and wine

She remembered when he had held her like this in his own humble abode. But that was then and this is now.

You need someone older and wiser

Telling you what to do...

He pulled her so close that she was smelling the mint on his breathe, it was so strong that she could almost taste the fresh herb.

....I'll take care of you



I held her like a fool. A fool that was choosing for once to be honest with himself. I could pretend this was all an act because it was her special day. I could pretend that it didn't matter and that I did it out of pity but I'd know that was a lie. She was my all and she didn't even know it. Her power was so glorious that it intimidated me. She would never believe me, even if I got on my knees and sobbed to her. Not after the stoic persona I'd been wearing like a well loved pair of trainers. year after year after year.

She wasn't the same girl I had chastised straight off the Hogwarts express for being 3 minutes late. There was something sad and terrifying about that. But I loved it, I loved her.

I had gotten a small treat for her, chocolate cake with a strawberry filing. I hoped she would like it. I had no idea what she liked, though she had made my teas correctly for me time after time without being asked during our house meetings. She upheld Slytherin in a way I never could have, especially not at her age.

I handed her another gift I'd made specially, the 2 extra vials of protective potion. A third gift was a green and black book, my mothers diary. I handed off my prized possession to her and vowed that from that moment on ,I would know her.

"This should be a nice addition to your current lure." I said in an admittedly pretentious tone.

" I can help you with this. She WAS my mother. It was unfair for me not to be transparent from the beginning. I knew you'd find the obsidian. And I believed it was your destiny to do so."
The air was threatening to leave my lungs entirely as I admitted this.
"Come with me, this summer. It's our only hope."


Suddenly the skies were dark gray and cracking with lightening...

The dark lord had been kept at bay by Dumbledore this year but he was far from gone. The deatheaters had killed an ally and I was still a double agent. I wanted it to be her choice but I simply could not let her go home to her parents in the muggle world. She was so unstable, she would be immediately flagged for her out bursting charms. The ministry would have both our heads and I was already keeping enough secrets from them. There was a reason I was the only Wizard apparating into Hogwarts.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now