I see R E D

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***TW Sexual Content****

Y/N 3rd

Y/n zipped by in the dark, running down some stairs to a dimly lit corridor in the dungeons. She didn't have time earlier that day to inspect professor Snape's room as she had planned. She came to a stop by his door to listen. She knew no one was within but it never hurts to double check.

Despite it being 2 am on a Friday. There was sound

A feminine voice spoke.

She chuckled a bit.

"Madeline, why must you always insist on coming back to my classroom after an outing"

Severus paused

"I mean...could we not go to my quarters?"

He continued.

Y/N's head swam. Her vision began to blur.
Fury rose up inside her chest. Fire coarsed through her veins.

She wanted to burst through the door and destroy the women who dared to look at the one she pined for.
She wanted to exercise force.
But she had to be honest with herself and the truth was it had nothing to do with the women at all. It was Severus, he was the problem, he was the one who denied her affection. He was the one who ignored her existence.

There was no one else to blame.
He could see who ever he wanted, he owed her nothing. And she didn't even want him to owe it to her, she wanted him to owe her nothing and still pick her.

She settled by the door so she could hopefully be reassured that she had imagined the whole thing.

That reassurance would never come.

"Severus...please" the women moaned

Betrayal washed over y/n.

"Dear" Severus deeply growled
"Arch your back" he continued.

Y/N heard clattering and furniture scratching the floors. She didn't need anyone to spell it out for her.

Starting tonight, everything was going to change.

Y/N hadn't caught up with her best friend, Aspen, in weeks. They would hang out and small talk, every now and then. It just wasn't the same as it was before, before y/n had to keep most of her thoughts a secret. But y/n really needed someone, now. She couldn't go through this alone, she needed a confidant.

"Time for a sleepover" y/n thought to herself, silently.

After being on autopilot, y/n arrived to the dorms, she went down a few rooms and walked right in to a sleeping Aspen. She ran a hand over her friends crimson hair as she slept. Aspen shot up in bed and pushed herself and y/n out the door and into the solitary room where the head-girl slept.

"What on earth?!" Aspen exclaimed.
She vowed to never tell a soul, y/n then spilled.

Words couldn't describe how good it felt.
The two stayed up, eating treats, giggling and talking about their dreams. Everything seemed alright in that moment.
Aspen was riding through this with her but she still chose to hold back about her plans.

3 days had passed, y/n had written page after page. She needed to plot out perfectly what was to be done.

If Aspen found these writings, she was scared she'd try to help her with it. The last thing y/n wanted was to bring anyone down with her.

She had planned the perfect weekend night. There would be events to celebrate Christmas. That was her in. And it was only in a few days.
She had seen a lot from carefully observing Snape as he went in and out of his desk.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now