Worship Me

200 4 2

Y/N 1st

My stomach tightened, my lungs struggled as the wind was knocked out of me. I felt a hot power travel from my toes to the top of my spine.  Before I could sit down, I was on the floor. I had no clue what was happening to me, my bones were jelly. My body was feeling exhilarated and my strength slowly started to build from a weak puddle to a ragging sea of defense.


I sat down in Severus's chair and put my feet on the desk. I felt wild and uninhibited. I was drawing in energy, from the necklace. The air was amazingly fresh and my body hummed with a monumental confidence. I was glowing, and my body felt satisfied all over, something Severus had never bothered to do to me. I resented him for that.

The large black pendant sat seductively, just above my bosom. I was chaotically going through the desk, more chaotic than I'd ever been in my life. I searched for instructions in vain. I had no idea what power this elegant charm held.

The door creaked as Severus tried to be discrete

"Right on time"
I said, without hesitation.
What had gotten into me?

"Miss L/N! What are you doing in my classroom at this hour? Why do you have my...why yes. Of course" he sighed in acceptance.

"Oh, Severus. Are you scared your girlfriend will see?"
I smirked up at him, walking closer.

"I-...miss l/n. Why are you calling me that. I'm your professor."
Said Snape.
"Dear, you are only a child-"

I cut him off.

Severus couldn't help but go to his knees, it was involuntary. I was starting to understand the power of the jewelry around my neck.

I went to my professors desk and sat on the edge of it, making him crawl to me. I stared down at the brilliant man. His eyes were black and sorrowful.

"oh, you don't want to be here? Is that it ?"
I said

" that couldn't be further from the truth"
he replied, begrudgingly.

That was shocking to hear, considering he had all but ignored my existence since the incident in the vault.

"Y/n...listen to me."
Said Snape

"You aren't the boss anymore" . Power ran down my arms and electricity bit him as I held his head, pulling at his shoulder length, black tresses.

"Tell me what's so special about this necklace."
I continued, forcing him into eye contact.

Severus slid his hands under my red dress and up my thighs while he kneeled in front of me, pressing my bare skin. Suddenly a vision entered my head.

** He didn't stop, he went under my knickers and caressed me, his hand was soaked. He brought his fingers to his mouth and tasted me eagerly. **

My eyes flew opened and he was in the same position, never having progressed up my thighs any further. I couldn't think, I couldn't breathe.

Had I just seen his thoughts? Or was I just having a sick hormone filled, fantasy?

"Severus, you are bad."
I gasped.

The professor sighed and seemed relieved more than anything. He had a tiredness, a desperation about him. His lips were seeping with the desire to pour out but he hesitated.

"y/n, there's a lot I want to do but I can't. We can't always have what...or whom we want. I know I've done wrong by you but I kept you alive and safe. I will suffer, not having what I want for the rest of eternity if that's what it takes to protect you. I'll be the bad guy in your story. I want to be your knight in shinning armor but that's not the part I was cast for."

Severus paused and stared up at me, once more.

"My mother told me when I was just a child that it would be my responsibility to care for the Obsidian." he gestured to the necklace. "It belonged to her. Only a brilliant, psychic witch can harness its true power. I am not surprised that you have me bowing to you, you are skilled far beyond your years." he continued.

"So this is all my doing?" I chimed in.

"The Obsidian doesn't create new information. It draws out the mind, body and soul, in raw form. And it is unpredictable, molding to its master, which now...happens to be you." Severus responded.

he rose to my eye level.

"I am a skilled, mind reader and a master of Legilimency. You are powerful but not powerful enough to change the nature of the Obsidian. I allowed and displayed my desires to you, I had an excuse. I knew you'd be here and I knew the power of the pendant. I chose this. It's worth it to remind you of what's really inside me." he finished speaking.

I hopped off the desk to stand in front of him, I stared up to him. His arms encased me and examined the curves of my silhouette, in the dark. His lips grazed my cheek as he hovered beside my ear and began to whisper

"Don't remove the Obsidian, its a part of you, now. " I wanted to ask what he meant, I wanted to tell him off but my fury melted to obsession. I couldn't find the words I needed to say.

"You'll understand when you're older." and with that, his arms were gone from my waist, the space in front of me was empty. I stood there, alone.


"The enemy of my enemy is my friend" I said to myself as I stood in front of Malfoy manor. They say to keep your friends close and your enemies closer but I don't know how I'm going to do that.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now