Me and you,kid

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The clouds parted on the gloomy skies above, a few students were walking around the corridors , some headed to the library to study over their winter break. Hogwarts was so special when it was empty, Severus was able to look on its majesty.


His hair hung over his left eye as he was hard at work in the dungeons. He had recently held a detention for Weasley and Potter and now they were off to wreak havoc. Snape was free of students and caught up on his grading (for once). This time his work was for something else, someone else. The professor held a vial in the bleak sunlight that came through the dungeon shutters. The purple solution swirled around. He didn't know where y/n was but he felt powerless if he didn't do something. The classroom walls were screaming his secrets to him, he wanted miss l/n's company. He wanted to ask her an obvious question just to hear her respond, to hear her voice ring through his ears.

But he had settled on the fact that he would never know what she was thinking again. Overnight she had gone from one of the brightest witches of her age to THE most powerful witch of her age, and she didn't even know it. Severus was just hoping that she found that out before someone else did.

Y/N always looked up to Snape but over the past few months, she grew to resent him. He knew it, he began to ponder and stew in the feeling. He was sick with himself. There was a small mirror in the back of the room, he got up and gazed at it, hating the person staring back at him.


he stared at the vial with what seemed like regret

who am I fooling?


The days ticked by over the Christmas break, Severus patrolled the halls of Hogwarts. He was giving students detentions for the most simple transgressions, even Dumbledore was starting to look at him with distain.

Severus searched around the walls and examined the paintings to avoid eye contact. The professor made his way back to his study after he was sure everyone in the perimeter was thoroughly miserable. Maybe they'd understand him if they knew the feeling.

That tactic had never worked all the years of his life.

He ripped through potions and experiments beyond the walls of the dungeon. He knew there was a way there had to be a way. A book was thrown open on his desk and his eyes scanned over the page. The book seemed to have a dark black aura anywhere it was layed, as if to let you know it was serious. Severus thought breifly of his childhood and how he would always sneek into his mothers spells and find this anciet beauty. Merlin knows how old it really was. Snape combed through the pages.

Obsidian, obsidian,....ob..sidian. --- where are you?

Snape had a brief memory of the necklace. He laid on his mothers chest as a little boy and he had fidgeted at the pendant. His mother violently hit him away, warning him of its danger. It was not for wizards only witches...worthy witches. He always wanted to be great like his mother, he always wanted to pick up where she left off but he just couldn't compare to her. Severus knew who could compare to her.

He felt very selfish for not stopping Y/N but he believed that the obsidian called her. His mother would shun him in the after life if he intervened. He began to think he was being a manic fool. The one he valued above all else was now in mortal danger and he was worried about what? A prophecy? An old story that his colleagues scoffed at him for believing? He began to have a pit in his stomach the size of a pot hole.

What have I done?


The large doors opened as a horde of students poured in. Christmas break was over and Snape hadn't seen one bit of y/n. She had hidden and woven herself into crowds and was doing whatever she could to avoid Professor Snape. He couldn't even give her detention because she performed all of her duties without error. Severus no longer had the will to make up faults, not with her.

"Miss l/n...."

Snape called. He had walked up to y/n and Hermione Granger in the library together, in a hidden cove of shelves. There was a small wooden table and upon it there was one book and about ten vials. The contents varied in colors, blue, orange, black, green, Y/n's beautiful h/c hair ran down her back in a way that made sense more than anything he had seen in weeks.

There was a simmering of something that smelled...amazing frankly. But he knew this trick.

Draco appeared behind Snape.

"MMMMmmmm....CInnamOnn-. Oh..."
he trailed off fearfully, likely remembering Snape's threats on his life.

"Away with you or it's detention for a month..Malfoy."

Draco stared at Y/N a bit longer than Severus could tolerate.

"If you want to pass your year, I advise you step away from miss l/n...PERmanently."

Severus was smacked in the face with the smell of cinnamon. Pain soaked his chest but it wasn't from the potion. It was just the silent passing by of Y/N, the feelings that he chose to shove away from him with anger. What hurt most was feeling like there was no other option.

"Cinnamon? I smelled mint."

Hermione commented playfully as she gave a knowing glance to y/n.

Y/N gave the group a devious look of satisfaction, ensuring that everyone received her eye contact.

Snape returned a nervous stare.

"Detention at 8 pm, miss l/n. Don't get excited Malfoy, yours will be with a different professor."

Snape said sternly. He half wondered why Draco would dare come near y/n. Suspicion joined the agony in his chest and it seemed the two emotions were having fun throwing his heart back and forth like a bouncy ball.


At 7:45 pm, y/n had just finished her assignments and had already touched base with all of the prefects in her care. The Slytherin common room was loud with silence as she avidly turned the pages of a black book she had nabbed from the Malfoys' own barely touched library. The cover read :

Y/N gazed upon the glorious work, dark magic always just worked

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Y/N gazed upon the glorious work, dark magic always just worked...faster.


Y/n opened the doors to the dungeon chamber with a bang. slamming against the wall behind them.

"Hello, Severus"

"Sit down, miss l/n. Calling me out of my professional name will do you no favors, dear."


y/n charged the floor but found herself stuck with her professor forcing her to the middle of the room.

"Please, let me help you."
Snape pled.

Y/n said looking at him desperately

Y/n raised her arms and shivers went down Snape's body. He was ice cold and it became exceptionally hard for him to move. He pushed his way through the cold to y/n. Severus wrapped her in his dark warmth, eating the frost away.

He dove into her soul with his black eyes.
"What happened, y/n?"

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now