Head Girl 💅

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You stared yourself down in the mirror in the girls room closest to  the Great Hall.

Your curves made your robes look mature and enticing. You attempted pulling them over your chest completely along with any other skin.

You pulled out a letter from your robes that you had received at the end of this past summer. You had no idea why you kept this damn letter on you, you chalked it up to it being the only proof of the old Draco, the sweet and loving boy that used to make your heart soar. He had always been a year below you but you had once seen him as grown-up and emotional.

"From Draco xx"

You don't like thinking about this but Draco was your first love. When you both first got placed in your beloved Slytherin house, you looked into his once innocent eyes and fell in love with his smile. He used to be so young and sweet and then he changed. He started to bully other students such as well, Hermione Granger whom you loved and Harry Potter as well. You did not understand how someone you had so much fun with could turn on you so much. You used to play games and chase each other and laugh until your sides hurt.

Draco's letter read:



I will never forget our nights together. My soul is infinitely tied to yours.

Love, Draco ♡"

"How lame and effortless" you thought to yourself while your eyes started to leak.

You wanted to kick yourself AGAIN for even keeping this stupid letter but you were not ready to depart from your first love.

Draco had abruptly ended your romance at the middle of the summer, he said he had moved on and called you vile things, such as mudblood. You cringed at the thought because you saw people as people. Muggle or not, everyone has something magical inside them. You loved both the muggle world and the magic world.

You forced yourself to put the parchment letter in the trash and ran out.

Exiting the girls bathroom You grabbed your things and waved to a few first years as it was time to guide them back to the dorms. They all peered up at you sweetly, you looked on them all lovingly as they had hopeful and innocent eyes.

Draco whistled  as to catcall you,  you strutted to the dorms. Your hips swayed and your skirt played peek-a-boo with the lacy surprise beneath it. You quickly swept your robes back over it, not knowing how they got off that part of your body.

You knew you were beautiful but he could show you a bit more respect , you thought.

He and the other upperclassmen stared at you almost foaming at the mouth. your y/h/l/c gorgeously gliding behind you.

You noticed a tall dark figure eyeing you from the corner of your vision. You continued noticing as Snape saw the Slytherin boys objectifying you, his expression formed into a glare.
"If looks could kill" You thought with a shiver going down your spine. But at the same time you were glad to see him looking out for you.

Professor Snape had given you the title of head-girl and you felt amazingly confident in yourself following that, as if nothing could bring you down. That is the highest position that a prefect could have and you felt well on the track to become an auror for the ministry.

A girl can dream can't she?

Each time you had the chance to walk them you chatted and taught your first years all about Hogwarts and little fun-facts saying that you would quiz them throughout the year in fun ways. The magical portraits assisted you in teaching and entertaining the young wizards.


Rounding the corner to the entrance, you said the password: "_____" (make your own xD)

The first years ran into their respective rooms. "get some rest and sleep well!" you shouted after them in a sweet tone.

"You are a total mother bear"
Draco said through a smile.

"I do admire you so, Y/N. I always look forward to hearing your voice". He continued, referring to your long standing position in the Frog Choir. You shifted a bit to look at his icy gray eyes.

"Oh don't flatter meeee...." you playfully sang to him, following with a giggle.

"What a stunning tune". He commented with a serious and admiring stare. But you knew he was only sucking up to you.

He came up beside you in the otherwise empty common room, handing you a cup of tea just the way you liked it. You sipped it eagerly and talked to him casually, staring up at a clock, you knew you needed to head to Professor Snape's office.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now