I guess this is growing up.

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The darkness in his eyes speared through my chest. I wanted to answer him, I wanted to spill but all that came out was silence.

I remembered the mahogany shelves and me cutting the flesh of a long-haired man. I remembered rummaging through a room that costed more than my entire existence, like it was nothing more than common garbage. I bit and clawed my way to survival, survival of this power growing inside me. And now ? Now he wanted to ask me what happened?

I looked into his iris's
"You were her son "

I gripped his hands tighter than I'd gripped anything in my life and threw him deeply into my psyche. He had never gotten this far in his lessons with me.
The Obsidian had its own way of teaching.
"You went to Lucius Malfoy ? Of all people?"

Snape glared at me

"He would have been the perfect ally. Resources, money, control. And he hates you"
I whined to him.

"You acted impulsively and immaturely. For what? To get back at me? For some imaginary relationship that never existed? For a half baked teenage fantasy that could never in a million years work?!
You'd get back at me and burn the whole wizarding world to pure ash!"
Severus said to me, with a look that could have killed me on the spot.

But this time shards of glass were digging into my soul. The wind had been knocked out of my sails and the entire boat had been thrown into space.

"You're nothing but an emotionally unavailable, cruel and impulsive artifact" I spat at Severus.

"I betrayed you because you deserved it. You deserved much worse, frankly. You should be ashamed to look into my eyes."
I continued.

"Please y/n" Snape pled.

Severus held my hands, facing me.

"Don't waste your youth on someone like me."

The holidays had come and gone and spring had already sprung. Y/n and her professor had done little but exchange pleasantries on occasion and send back the necessary parchments and arrangements for school business. Hogwarts was weary under the rule of Umbridge.

The truth is he was ashamed. He was just so desperate that he'd rather die than not make things right with her. Even though she was risking a lot and behaving like an animal. She was a kid, that's what she was supposed to do. It was unfair of him to keep expecting her to suddenly have the sanity of a functioning adult. He felt like a creep all over again.

Severus grabbed a small satchel and put the delicate purple potions vials in it. He added a small note that said

" May, 13th

I appreciate all you've done as head girl and have and will continue to make every attempt in keeping things completely professional. I apologize for ever stirring up less than appropriate feelings in us both. I have a proposition for you at our next meeting. We must harness your power for good.

My best wishes and a happy birthday to you as well.

, Professor Snape "

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now