The Famous Club

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Snape 3rd person

Severus stared down at his left arm. "it's showtime" he thought.

There was a large mansion in front of him, it was unrealistically elegant and opulent to the point of excess. "this is the right place" He thought to himself.

Severus felt pain in his body and head as the mark on his forearm stung, his dark mark. He knew that the other Death Eaters were near. There was a club for them, here at Malfoy Manor. A club one could only see if they had the mark.

The front door swung open by itself as the potions master approached. There was no one in the front portion of the home, so Severus walked. He walked for about 10 minutes until he was at the dungeon steps.

Severus could hear laughing, he went down the steps and looked in room after room until he found Lucius Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange in a room together, alone. Bellatrix was in the nude straddling Lucius who was nude from the waist down. Lucius's hair was sleek, blonde and perfect as always. Severus could see that he hadn't dared to lift a finger,  not even for sex. The two of them were nasty and vile. Nothing mattered to them, not even the fact that Lucius was married to Bellatrix's own sister. Bellatrix continued to ride him not noticing that Severus was watching them through the unlocked glass door between they and himself. Bellatrix's wild mane of a hair style ran down her back as she moved to change positions. Severus quickly turned away, he was sick and would not endure anymore of that scene.

"How could he betray his wife and family ?" Severus pondered, repulsed in his mind. He did not think kindly of Bellatrix either. "what animals" He thought silently.

Professor Snape silently backed away from the door and continued looking and happened upon a room that contained the rest of the death eaters along with the dark lord himself. Voldemort sat at the end of a long table and Severus stood at the other end. They snapped their heads to gaze at him.
"Severus" Voldemort said coldly. "To what do I owe the pleasure".

"My lord" Snape said calmly but inside he was furious

"Where is Draco" Severus continued in a bold tone.

"You would love to know wouldn't you?" said the dark lord. "I would be upset too, if someone else played with my toys" he continued.

"Do not speak about my Slytherin,  head-girl in this manner." Severus jolted bravely.

"Your head girl, is she naughty?" The dark lord said, ignoring Severus's request. "What do you do to her, we would love to hear" he continued.

Most of the table stared at Severus with disgusting anticipation. A few of the death eaters at the table seemed embarrassed and looked away.

Severus took a deep inhale. "She is a head prefect and an outstanding student but she is just that, a student" he continued. "I have not made any sexual advances if that is what you are implying, my lord.

Severus felt very protective over y/n. He wanted to kill Voldemort right there, for disgracing her honor.

"Always the proper one you are, Severus" said Voldemort. "Draco is actually risking the death eaters exposure by drawing attention to you and himself. We do not want that, now do we?" he continued.

The dark lord continued by saying "Draco is still a child and he let his jealousy and obsession over power his mind and well his pants to be frank."

Severus could feel his blood beginning to boil in his veins. He hated to think that Draco was thinking of y/n and having sick fantasies. He hated that Voldemort spoke of it so casually. Y/n was very important to the professor,  in a very many practical ways. Severus could not understand why the death-eaters and even Arthur Weasley had been so suspicious of the teacher student relationship. What did they see when they looked at the situation? What was he missing?

"She is just a cherished student and she is only a child" Professor Snape relayed to the table and the dark lord. "Her being a Slytherin and as impressive as she is ,could certainly be an asset to you in the future, my lord." he continued, successfully deceiving Voldemort.
He hated that he had to play as a double agent and he hated that y/n was now involved. He wanted to protect y/n as he cared deeply about her, he had no sexual intentions. No matter how beautiful he found the young women.

"Very well, Severus. I will accept your word." muttered Lord Voldemort.

"Tell me where Draco is, now, and I'll promise not to kill him" Severus said in a threatening tone.

"Your mark will allow you to find him, keep to the right of the dungeons" The dark lord replied in a surprisingly respectful way. He had some nerve giving up Lucius's son in his own home, he knew Lucius was a weak man and would not retaliate.

Severus stormed out of the conference room, ignoring the rest of the death eaters. He turned corner after corner, deeper and deeper into the right side of the dungeon. His arm began to burn and he sensed an entry way. He walked closer to the wall and fell in as he touched it. Stumbling into balance, he saw him, young Draco.

"Where are you friends?" muttered professor Snape with no emotion in his voice. He stared the white haired boy down as he lounged in a velvet chair. Draco look surprised and he dropped a strong drink from his hands. He jumped to attention and pulled his wand out, raising it.

"EXPELLIARMUS" Professor Snape shouted. The thin wand jumped from Draco's hand and fell against the floor. Draco then began to shield his face and back away.

"I'll do worse than kill you, Malfoy." Severus growled. "Maybe it won't be now due to the arrangements before us. But I shall never forget what you did to y/n. What exactly disturbs you to treat a young women so?" he continued.

"She rejected me, humiliates me and she is only a mudblood" Draco replied. "Why do you care what happens to her? She is just a little whore, I have already had her, Professor."

"Silence! Sectumsempra!" Professor Snape cut the young , teen boy with the charm and watched as the marks devoured every inch of him. He was a year younger than y/n but Snape persecuted him like he would a grown man.

He then finally reversed the spell after Draco had screamed for 15 minutes straight.

Draco stared up fearfully at the Professor from the floor.

"How long have you been my student?" Snape said unkindly.

"Uhh the whole time I've gone to Hogwarts.... uhh close to 5 years" Draco stuttered.

"What do you know about me? Have you any opinions?" Snape followed up.

Draco gulped and looked around the room. A moment of silence passed. "You are very strict and detailed." He paused "You're also very cold and mean to students, especially Potter, I applaud that." said Draco, smirking. "Other than that, professor, you may be cruel but I wish to learn from you. You are one of the more powerful wizards known in our world. What interests you about having a mudblood as the Slytherin head-girl, I will never know." young Malfoy continued.

"Mr. Malfoy,....I am one of the more powerful wizards in my age. My mother was a full-blood witch..." Professor Snape paused and Draco looked up, eyes getting wider in anticipation. "Now my father was a non-magic, ignorant, drunk fool who only knew how to take out his anger on my mother and I." Snape continued.

"furthermore I could conquer any pure-blood sitting in this manor, right now. I could destroy your father, without uttering a word. But there is no need, he will do a number on his own reputation......" He trailed off. " Nothing great in life comes without hard work and dedication , pure blood." The professor finally finished.

Draco blinked and Professor Snape was gone. He looked stunned.


Severus tapped his foot on a marble floor, the death eater meeting had ended and without Lucius' approval, He and the dark lord had decided on Draco's fate. Voldemort wanted to punish Lucius for his son risking the exposure of the the deatheaters and their plans by bringing negative attention to himself and Slytherin. Snape just wanted Draco to suffer as much as possible.

Snape had apparated to the main floor of the manor, he had sent an owl to the ministry and waited their arrival.

After several moments of pacing, alone, there was an entrance, a few aurors poured in to get the boy. After some direction, Snape walked towards the door.

He had to leave this place or he would surely end up in Azkaban.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now