being cruel to be kind

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TW: mentions of sexual abuse

Snape 3rd:

The main room was an utter disaster. Books scattered the ground and the furniture had been disturbed by the slight tussle. Y/N stood before Severus with a bloody book end in one hand and a jarring lack of remorse in those deep e/c eyes. It seemed like time stood still.

Lucius twitched. Professor Snape and y/n flinch and looked at each other but exhaled with relief as he returned to his regular unconscious stillness.

A metric ton of y/n's traumatic memories were tearing through Snape's mind and he couldn't utter a word to her. He didn't want to talk, he wanted to kill. Blood lust gazed through the professors eyes as he reviewed all the heinous images he was presented with. There was one memory he'd not dare asking her about.

In the memory, Y/N looked to be very young, she was primary school aged. She laid in a twin-sized bed in a room lit by only a small night light. A tall, lanky man came in and crept onto her bed. Y/N struggled against him...

Severus had to stop thinking about it, or he would be sick.

The professor felt guilty for any of the indecent ways he viewed her in.

He felt no better than the ones who exploited and violated her.

He needed to step away before he became just another source of anguish. He felt like a disgusting old creep.

Y/N was fierce, dark and beautiful but she somehow was able to maintain her buoyant heart. She was everything Snape wished he could be. She had the courage and guts he'd never known.

"Miss l/n, I'll return shortly with a plan. Stay with him" Severus demanded.

He walked into his room and locked himself in while he searched his drawers frantically, hoping he'd quickly come up with something. He returned to pondering on y/n's memories. This time he thought of a sweet memory.

Y/n was sitting in Snape's very own dungeon class room. She had over used the rat skulls in her recipe. Red smoke billowed about the table in front of her as she panicked. The professor came up to her and seemed indifferent. Despite his uncaring manner , y/n's heart raced. She felt giddy has he brushed passed her and helped her with each step of correcting her assignment.

Severus found it endearing that even then the girl had been sweet on him. He felt that he didn't deserve it. He knew that he didn't deserve her devoted and innocent affection.

While he continued searching his hidden stashes, he found a glowing, red potion with an attached note:

"Better to have and not need, than to need and not have"

The note was in a scratchy font that he didn't recognize. He sat back analyzed it.
He didn't know who it was from but her knew exactly what it was. It was a memory potion, to erase and reconstruct memories if used properly. It had no name yet as he himself had been developing it.

"Could y/n have crafted this vial?"
Snape thought to himself.

But how? How would it have found it's way here if she had? Who else in the world knows how to craft my private recipe ?

There was a sudden dragging noise that reminded Snape about the serious situation at hand . He burst  out of his door to find y/n and Lucius gone.

The fear crept up his spine and into his chest.

" and right when I was ready to let her go" , he said to himself.

Severus & I { Y/N x SNAPE FAN-FIC}Where stories live. Discover now